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香港新闻工作者从业词典    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
被遣返回澳洲    was deported to Australia

被内地政府扣留三天    was detained by the mainland

涉嫌带走赎金而遭扣留    was detained on suspicion of acting as a courier for ransom

被诊断患上早期乳癌    was diagnosed with

对考评局处理事件的手法不满    was dissatisfied with the authority‘s handling of the situation

对黑社会的恐吓显得忧心如焚    was distraught over triad threats

较早前被视为角逐第二届特首的热门人选    was earlier tipped to be a contender in the next chief executive election

获选为新任教宗    was elected the new pope

当选立法会议员    was elected to Legco

在其沈阳家中被公安带走    was escorted

目前情况危殆    was fighting for his life

迫食烟头    was forced to eat cigarette butts

被强制休假    was forced to go on involuntary leave

被迫在海南岛紧急降落    was forced to make an emergency landing on Hainan Island

迎新营期间被迫玩淫猥的游戏    was forced to play obscene games at an orientation camp

只得打退堂鼓    was forced to retreat

被迫招认    was forced to sign

被强迫遣返回北韩    was forcibly repatriated back to North Korea

被发现遗弃于    was found abandoned in/on

倒毙于血泊中    was found dead in a pool of blood

严重伤害菲佣身体罪成/严重伤害他人身体罪成    was found guilty of inflicting grievous bodily harm on the maid

误杀罪成    was found guilty of manslaughter

被发现昏迷在司机位    was found unconscious in the

由消防员从车内救出    was freed from the wreckage by

输错血    was given the wrong blood

由热心巿民捐给警队    was given to the police by a

获准以一万元保释    was granted $10000

得到基本法保障    was guaranteed by the Basic Law

被劈死    was hacked to death

协助警方调查    was helping police inquires

被石屎块击中头部    was hit on the head

被木板击中头部    was hit on the head by a plank

拋离座位    was hurled from their seat

失修    was in a poor state of repair

没有资格评论谁爱国    was in no position to judge who was a patriot

并不急于出售固网业务(套现)    was in no rush to sell its telecoms assets

因输血感染登革热    was infected with

原本用来治疗前列腺过大    was initially

坚持西九采用「单一招标」模式    was insisting on the "single-developer" approach in West Kowloon

多次被掌声打断    was interrupted with applause a dozen times

在大陆投资    was investing on the mainland

入狱(一段时间)    was jailed for……

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