观塘临时区议会交通运输委员会主席马志强 Ma Chi-keung, chairman of the Kwun Tong District Board‘s traffic and transport committee
马力 Ma Lik
民建联主席马力 Ma Lik, chairman of the Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong
马料水 Ma Liu Shui
马鞍山 Ma On Shan
马鞍山路 Ma On Shan Road
麻埔坪监狱 Ma Po Ping Prison
马湾 Ma Wan
可怕的、和死亡有关的 macabre
狝猴 macaque monkey
港澳码头 Macau Ferry Terminal
澳门主权于十二月十九日零时回归中国。 Macau reverts to Chinese sovereignty at midnight on December 19.
马力 Ma Lik
民建联主席马力 Ma Lik, chairman of the Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong
马料水 Ma Liu Shui
马鞍山 Ma On Shan
马鞍山路 Ma On Shan Road
麻埔坪监狱 Ma Po Ping Prison
马湾 Ma Wan
可怕的、和死亡有关的 macabre
狝猴 macaque monkey
港澳码头 Macau Ferry Terminal
澳门主权于十二月十九日零时回归中国。 Macau reverts to Chinese sovereignty at midnight on December 19.
澳门概念股 Macau-concept stocks/Macau-linked stocks
马其顿(斯科普里) Macedonia(Skopje)
宽刃刀 machetes
宏观调控措施 macroeconomic control measures
疯牛症 mad cow disease
马达加斯加 Madagascar
马达加斯加(塔那那利佛) Madagascar(Antananarivo)
老鸨 madame
令问责制破产/蒙羞 made a mockery of the accountability system
与某人达成口头协议 made a verbal agreement with somebody
再次加速逃走 made another dash to
表明不会容忍各部长和部门各怀鬼胎 made clear "sectarianism" among ministers and departments would not be tolerated
在会上申报买车 made declarations on car purchases at the meeting
兑现了一项选举承诺 made good on an election promise
表演独奏、举行独奏会 made his recital bow
创造历史 made history
尽最后努力拉票 made last-ditch efforts to gather votes
没有承诺会再向台湾售卖武器 made no clear commitment in approving new arms sales to the island
事前并没有就郑经翰一事和港府及中央政府接触 made no prior contact with the Hong Kong and central government on the Cheng case
以私人身份参拜靖国神社 made private pilgrimages to Yasukuni
以三亿四千万作首次叫价 made the opening bid of $340 million
马德拉斯 Madras
黑手党 Mafia
裁判官 magistrate
磁悬浮列车 maglev train
镁 Magnesium
磁浮列车/磁浮火车 magnetic-levitation train
米埔保护区经理杨路年 Mai Po Reserve manager Dr Lew Young
内地学者 mainland academics
内地同胞/内地同志 mainland brethren
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