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香港新闻工作者从业词典    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
H股    H shares

维他命    H Vitamin H/Biotin/Coenzyme R

有    H5N1抗体had antibodies for H5N1

为防    H5N1病毒散播,政府将屠宰一百二十

亚洲的    H5N1禽流感病毒很可能是下次疫潮

发现没有鸡只带有    H5病毒抗体found no

已知感染    H9N2人数the number of known H9N2 cases

人身保护令、出庭令    habeas corpus

烟民    habitual smoker

机上有三百名乘客和十五名机员    had 300 passengers and

有七成五皮肤烧伤    had 75 per cent burns

根据英国食品标准局的指引,(它们)含很多盐    had a

受过大学教育    had a college education

不满意自己    had a distorted self-image

有长期病患纪录    had a history of

和丈夫有联名户口    had a joint account with her husband

有学习障碍    had a learning disability

患病期间曾切除一腿    had a leg amputated in his

累积了大量经验    had accumulated lots of experience

已获发签证    had already received their visas

一直愿意和商界沟通    had always been willing to communicate with the business sector

和大企业有不道德的商业交易    had amoral business dealings with big business

有鉴赏优秀艺术作品的眼光    had an eye for good art

做脚部手术    had an operation on my leg

向中央政府分析政党政治的重要性    had analysed the importance of party politics to the central government

身上约有七万元现金    had approximately $70000 on him

对性事变得较为开放    had become more

积极在新界东展开选举活动    had been actively campaigning for election in New Territories East

已经住院三年    had been bedridden in

已落成但未发售    had been built but not put on the market

被埋在瓦砾下    had been buried in debris

受到恐吓    had been criminally intimidated

尸体被发现时他已死去(一段时间)    had been dead for (a period) before his body was discovered

被列为危险楼宇    had been declared a safety hazard

被欺骗和摆布    had been duped and manipulated

一度被认为是局长的接班人    had been expected to step up to the commissioner‘s job

找工作已三个月    had been job hunting for three months

选举前的民议调查一度显示他得票率落后    had been lagging in pre-election polls

(小孩)意外发生时独留家中    had been left home alone

被引诱参加一项供款计划    had been lured into joining a plan

被迫进行性行为    had been pressured into unwanted sex

不少朋友连日来鼓励她出来参选    had been receiving a continuous stream of entreaties from friends for her to stand

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