七国集团 G7 (Group of Seven)
西方七国首脑会议 G7 Summit
封住报纸的口/箝制新闻自由 gag the press/gag the media
得到在中国做生意的甜头 gain business favour from the mainland
入侵户口 gain fraudulent access to customers‘ accounts
获永久居留权 gain permanent residency
赚取工作经验 gain work experience
得到足够的临床经验 gained enough
得到选民认同 gained recognitions from voters
得到媒体报导 gained the press coverage
深得民心 gained unprecedented public approval
半乳糖 galactose
西方七国首脑会议 G7 Summit
封住报纸的口/箝制新闻自由 gag the press/gag the media
得到在中国做生意的甜头 gain business favour from the mainland
入侵户口 gain fraudulent access to customers‘ accounts
获永久居留权 gain permanent residency
赚取工作经验 gain work experience
得到足够的临床经验 gained enough
得到选民认同 gained recognitions from voters
得到媒体报导 gained the press coverage
深得民心 gained unprecedented public approval
半乳糖 galactose
银河卫星广播 Galaxy Satellite Broadcasting
胆囊 gall bladder
浩园 Gallant Garden
绞型架 gallows
发起印尼独立运动 galvanised the Indonesian independence movement
博奕理论 game theory
一直有严密监视该黑社会集团活动 gang‘s activities had been under heavy surveillance
恒河 Ganges
轮奸 gang-rape
灵芝(治化疗副作用) ganoderma
伊甸园 Garden of Eden
茼蒿菜 Garland Chrysanthemum
大蒜(杀菌) garlic
基。 Garlic‘s anti-oxidising function helps protect
印尼嘉鲁达航空 Garuda Indonesia
煤气爆炸 gas explosion
防毒面具 gas mask
汽油动力车 gasoline-powered cars
胃扩张 gastrectasis
胃癌 gastric cancer
胃溃疡 gastric ulcer
胃炎 gastritis
肠胃炎 gastroenteritis
胃肠专科医师 gastroenterologist
肠胃科 Gastroenterology
胃下垂 gastroptosis
胃痉挛 gastrospasm
闯关人士 gatecrashers
收集居民意见 gather residents‘ opinions
在遮打花园聚集 gathered in Chater Garden
当前第1页 共8页