澳洲航空 Qantas Airways
合格境内机构投资者 QDII (qualified domestic institutional investor)
合格境外机构投资者 QFII (qualified foreign institutional investor)
青岛 Qingdao
珠穆朗马峰 Qomolangma Feng
四肢瘫痪的人 quadriplegic
困境 quagmire
幼儿园合资格教师 qualified kindergarten teachers
合资格的专业人士 qualified professionals
优质教育基金 Quality Education Fund
优质报章/质报 quality press
量子流体 quantum fluid
合格境内机构投资者 QDII (qualified domestic institutional investor)
合格境外机构投资者 QFII (qualified foreign institutional investor)
青岛 Qingdao
珠穆朗马峰 Qomolangma Feng
四肢瘫痪的人 quadriplegic
困境 quagmire
幼儿园合资格教师 qualified kindergarten teachers
合资格的专业人士 qualified professionals
优质教育基金 Quality Education Fund
优质报章/质报 quality press
量子流体 quantum fluid
量子力学 quantum mechanics
检疫站 quarantine anchorages
隔离措施 quarantine measures
隔离有疫症发生的鸡场 quarantining infected farms
?鱼涌 Quarry Bay
镇压民兵动乱事件 quash militia violence
英女皇 Queen Elizabeth
伊利沙伯医院 Queen Elizabeth Hospital
玛丽医院 Queen Mary Hospital
平息民进党党内不满 quell dissent within his Democratic Progressive Party
救火 quell the fire
质疑民主党提出动议的动机 questioned the Democratic Party‘s motive in moving the motion
对量刑不一感到诧异 questioned the disparity in the sentences
质疑清场行动 questioned the removal operation
排队数小时以进入漫画展会场 queued for hours for admittance to the festival
轮免费米 queuing for a handout of free rice
轮米 queuing for rice handouts
奎松市 Quezon City(Philippines)
急冻食物 quick-frozen food
金鸡纳(抗疟疾) quinine
辞去党内一切职务 quit all party positions
在协会协助下戒掉摇头丸 quit Ecstasy with the help of the association
为该事辞去立法会议席 quit Legco over it
引经据典 quote scriptures
引述可兰经的经文 quoting verses from the Koran
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