指一个组织为邪教 label a group as an evil cult
被扣上反革命的帽子 labeled a counterrevolutionary
指(民主党)逢中必反 labelled the party as "against everything China does"
卷标效应淡化 labelling effect will then be diminished
卷标制度 labelling system
大阴唇 labium majus
小阴唇 labium minus
劳工界 Labour
劳工处 Labour Department
劳工市场 labour market
工党 Labour Party
劳改营 labour reform camp/labour camp/gulag
被扣上反革命的帽子 labeled a counterrevolutionary
指(民主党)逢中必反 labelled the party as "against everything China does"
卷标效应淡化 labelling effect will then be diminished
卷标制度 labelling system
大阴唇 labium majus
小阴唇 labium minus
劳工界 Labour
劳工处 Labour Department
劳工市场 labour market
工党 Labour Party
劳改营 labour reform camp/labour camp/gulag
缺乏自信心 lack self-esteem
缺乏危机感 lacked a sense of crisis
缺乏基层支持和社区工作经验 lacked grassroots support and community-work experience
和中国没有疑犯引渡协议 lacks an extradition
缺乏方向 lacks direction
缺乏教育意义 lacks educational value
无法控制交通流量 lacks the ability to regulate traffic flows
泪管 lacrimal duct
哺乳中的女性/授乳妇女 lactating
乳管 lactiferous duct
乳糖 lactose
奶素主义 lacto-vegetarianism
人妖 ladyboys
拉各斯 Lagos(Nigeria)
(中国西部)比沿海繁荣城镇落后很多 lags well behind thriving coastal areas
荔枝角 Lai Chi Kok
荔景 Lai King
发表一项新政策 laid out a new policy
伊利湖 Lake Erie
大闸蟹 Lake Green Crab
休伦湖 Lake Huron
密歇根湖 Lake Michigan
安大略湖 Lake Ontario
苏必利尔湖 Lake Superior
林锦公路 Lam Kam Road
中银国际副董事长林广兆 Lam Kwong-siu, deputy chief executive of the Bank of China‘s international branch
是香港(医学界)的损失。 Lam Siu-kam,
蓝田 Lam Tin
蓝塘海峡 Lam Tong Hoi Hap/Tathong Channel
林村 Lam Tsuen
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