我想他可能捱/撑不过二十四小时。 I
我在香港已浪费太多时间在行政工作。 I
我拥戴「用者自付」原则。 I am a firm believer in the "user-pays" principle.
我对目前混乱的局面深表关注。 I am expressing deep concern over the current complex situation.
我相信他是合适人选。 I believe he is the right person.
我可以自拍。 I can take self-portraits.
我很清楚知道一个健康市场的运作是需要绝对自由的信息流通。 I clearly understand the operation of a healthy market requires an absolutely free flow of information.
我考虑了足足两日两夜。 I considered it seriously for two days and two nights.
我不认为加息对香港经济会有重大影响。 I don‘t expect the interest rate rises to have any big effect on the Hong Kong economy.
我对他们没有怨恨。 I don‘t have any ill-feeling towards them.
我乐于获得同工同酬。 I enjoy getting equal pay for equal work.
我对教育成为攻击政府的工具,感到难过。 I feel sad that education has been used as a means to attack the government.
我在香港已浪费太多时间在行政工作。 I
我拥戴「用者自付」原则。 I am a firm believer in the "user-pays" principle.
我对目前混乱的局面深表关注。 I am expressing deep concern over the current complex situation.
我相信他是合适人选。 I believe he is the right person.
我可以自拍。 I can take self-portraits.
我很清楚知道一个健康市场的运作是需要绝对自由的信息流通。 I clearly understand the operation of a healthy market requires an absolutely free flow of information.
我考虑了足足两日两夜。 I considered it seriously for two days and two nights.
我不认为加息对香港经济会有重大影响。 I don‘t expect the interest rate rises to have any big effect on the Hong Kong economy.
我对他们没有怨恨。 I don‘t have any ill-feeling towards them.
我乐于获得同工同酬。 I enjoy getting equal pay for equal work.
我对教育成为攻击政府的工具,感到难过。 I feel sad that education has been used as a means to attack the government.
我全身都被玻璃刮伤。 I had cuts all
我想参选已久。 I have considered standing for the election for a long time.
我决定不参与七月的特首补选。 I have decided not to take part in the by-election of the chief executive in July.
我做的爱国的事比他多很多。 I have done much more patriotic work than him.
目前冇话佢违法,但唔代表以后唔会违法。 I have never said Falun Gong has breached the law. But they might do that in the future.
我从未见过有政府官员在立法会里受人威胁。 I have never seen any government official being threatened in the [Legco] chamber.
我对所做一切问心无愧。 I have no qualms over what I have done.???
我没想过参选。 I haven‘t thought of joining the race.
你们在市场经济这个海洋里面学游泳,我希望你们不要学得太精明了,精明到唯利是图也不行啦。不要忘记我们自己的身份是什么,我们大部分甚至全部都是共产党员,所以一定要自律。 I hope that as you swim in the sea of the market economy you will not become too clever as to consider making profits only. Don‘t forget our identity - most or all of us are communists - we need to exercise self-discipline.
我从来没有其它的性伴侣。 I knew they were from my
我完全失声。 I lost my voice
我真的希望香港人不要吝啬捐赠器官 I really hope Hong
我痛恨民进党出此下策/技俩。 I resent that the Democratic Progressive Party used this trick.
我希望社会各界冷静理性,求同存异,摒除成见,致力就香港的政制发展达成共识。 I urge various quarters of the community to be calm and rational and set aside differences, disputes and pre-conceived notions, and and strive for a consensus on the constitutional development in Hong Kong.
我第一天上班要洗厕所。 I was given the job of cleaning the toilets on my first day at work.
我去做全身检查。 I went for a
我扭伤了腰。 I wrenched my waist.
我恐怕大部分低下阶层都未能受惠于经济复苏。 I‘m afraid many of the lower strata of society still aren‘t benefiting from the pickup of the economy.
我状态很差。 I‘m so out of condition.
我学会了更多社交技巧。 I‘ve learned more social skills.
吾未见好德如好色者 I‘ve never seen the man who loves virtue as well as sex.
伊巴丹 Ibadan(Nigeria)
西班牙国家航空 Iberia
万国商业机器 IBM
取代 IBM成为全球最大计算机制造商unseat IBM as the world‘s leading computer maker
廉署执行处首长李铭泽 ICAC Director of Operations Daniel Li Ming-chak
冼锦华涉嫌泄露扫黄行动情报,以换取免费性服务,遭廉署拘捕。 ICAC officers arrested Sin on suspicion of accepting free sex from prostitutes in exchange for tip-offs about vice raids.
破冰船 icebreaker
破冰之旅 ice-breaking trip
冻柠檬茶 Iced Lemon Tea
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