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新干线    XGX

西安    Xi‘an

厦门航空    Xiamen Airlines

小灵通手机    Xiao Lingtong (Little Smart) handsets

新华社(中)    Xinhua

新华通讯社    Xinhua News Agency

新华社表示,除了成克杰已提走的款项外,所有贪污得来的存款已追回。    Xinhua said "all illegal deposits" except the money taken by Cheung had been recovered.

西沙群岛    Xisha Quandao/Paracel Islands

X光    X-ray (n)/(vt); take an X-ray

全国政协常委徐四民    Xu Simin, a Standing Committee member of the Chinese People‘s Political Consultative Conference

港澳办副主任徐泽    Xu Ze, the deputy director of the State Council‘s Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office

该定名为「    xx」的行动The operation, codenamed "xx", ……

职女性更认识    X光造影检查。Housewives

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