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香港新闻工作者从业词典    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
和某方交战    wage war against somebody

腰    waist

先等候车祸的调查报告,再作出赔偿    wait for the

等候接受肝脏移植手术    waiting for a liver transplant

等待剪发    waiting for a trim

取消收费    waive the charges

撤消对回购股票的限制    waived its restrictions on stock repurchases

停收租金一个月    waiving housing rent for one month

豁免差饷、水费和排污费    waiving their rates and water and sewerage charges

没经检查就穿越保安人员    walked past

手提通话机    walkie-takies

助行架    walking frame

华尔街股市    Wall Street

华尔街日报    Wall Street Journal

墙纸    wallpaper

湾仔区    Wan Chai

尹从事高利贷和非法赌博事业,捞得数千万元。    Wan raked in tens of millions of dollars from his loansharking and illegal gambling operations.

爱滋行动计划的创立人万延海    Wan Yanhai, founder of

万山群岛    Wanshan Island

希望保持苗条    want to remain slim???

希望循序渐进发展民主    wanted "gradual and orderly" progress towards full democracy

希望中医能纳入医学界功能组别    wanted Chinese herbalists to be included in the medical functional constituency

希望在政制改革方面/就政改方案取得公众共识    wanted to achieve a public consensus on constitutional reform

希望引人注目    wanted to attract attention

想改变游行路线    wanted to change the route

无线应用通讯协议    WAP (wireless application protocol)

战地记者    war correspondent

病房    ward

衣柜    wardrobe

军阀    warlord

警告不要为中央政府添烦添乱    warned against giving the central government "worries and trouble"

警告或会采取工业行动或举行大规模示威    warned of industrial action and large-scale demonstrations

警告沙士可能已经扩散到社区    warned that Sars might

警告美国不要插手台湾问题    warned the US against intervention in the cross-strait crisis

逮捕状    warrant/arrest warrant (n); A warrant is a written permission from a court of law allowing the police to take a particular action./issue a warrant for the arrest of sb/issue a warrant for sb‘s arrest/issue an arrest warrant for sb

搜查令    warrant/search warrant (n); A warrant is a written permission from a court of law allowing the police to take a particular action./obtain a warrant from a judge/had a warrant to search the house

认股证    warrants; Warrants are items of financial value that allow the owner to apply for the ordinary shares of a company at a fixed price on a fixed date.

股神毕菲特    Warren Buffett

战争暴行    wartime atrocities

战时首相东条英机    wartime Prime Minister Hideki Tojo

宣布他「从医学上来说已是死亡」    was

需要整年留在病床上接受治疗    was

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