维他命 E Vitamin E/Tocopherol
旺角地铁站 E1出口Exit E1 of the Mongkok MTR
鹰星增值基金 Eagle Star Accumulation Fund
鹰星保本基金 Eagle Star Capital Preservation Fund
鹰星环球增长基金 Eagle Star Global Growth Fund
鹰星保证基金 Eagle Star Guarantee Fund
鹰星港元储蓄基金 Eagle Star HK Dollar Savings Fund
耳 ear
听小骨 ear bones
耳膜 ear drum
耳壳 ear pinna
耳塞 ear plugs
旺角地铁站 E1出口Exit E1 of the Mongkok MTR
鹰星增值基金 Eagle Star Accumulation Fund
鹰星保本基金 Eagle Star Capital Preservation Fund
鹰星环球增长基金 Eagle Star Global Growth Fund
鹰星保证基金 Eagle Star Guarantee Fund
鹰星港元储蓄基金 Eagle Star HK Dollar Savings Fund
耳 ear
听小骨 ear bones
耳膜 ear drum
耳壳 ear pinna
耳塞 ear plugs
拔尖计划/优先取录计划 Early Admissions Scheme for Secondary Six Students (EAS)
幼儿教育 early childhood education
幼儿教育机构 early childhood institutions
早期病征,早期征兆 early signs
本月较早前,恒基地产成功配股集资二十九亿八千万元。 Early this month, property developer Henderson Land Development completed a $2.98 billion placement.
拨百分之十的新股股份供散户认购 ear-marking 10 per cent of the float for small investors
赚钱过活、维持生计 earn a living
百分之三十三的盈利来自香港业务 earned 33 per cent of its profits in the SAR
在…取得博士学位 earned a doctorate from the……
认真落实十六大提出的各项任务 earnestly fulfil various tasks put forth by the 16th party congress
靠捡垃圾维生/靠拾荒维生 earning a living by picking up garbage
第二季每股盈利为三点三仙港元,上一季为二点一仙港元。 Earnings per share were 3.3 HK cents for the third quarter, up from 2.1 HK cents in the previous period.
盈利警告 earnings warnings
耳鼻喉科医师 ear-nose-throat
地球日 Earth Day
陶器、土器 earthenware
送你 Earthlink一年免费上网服务give you one year of free Internet service from Earthlink
挽回投资者对公司前景的信心 ease apprehensions about its outlook
减少在香港的投资 ease back on his investment plans in Hong Kong
纾缓不断增加的交通需求量 ease increasing traffic flow
减轻近视度数 ease myopia
缓和朝鲜半岛的紧张局势 ease tensions on Korean peninsula
减轻市民负担/纾解民困 ease the burden for people
减轻中产负担 ease the burden on the middle class
减轻财赤 ease the deficit
安抚上月大型反日示威中年轻人的不满情绪 ease the disquiet among young people highlighted by last month‘s big anti-Japan demonstrations
减轻非典型肺炎疫症造成的经济困境 ease the economic hardship flowing from the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome
亚太航空公司(直升机服务) East Asia Airlines Ltd.
东海 East China Sea
东九龙走廊 East Kowloon Corridor
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