维他命 U Vitamin U
美国农业部 U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA)
欧美公司目前正面临来自海外的高质素、低成本竞争。 U.S. and European companies are now facing high-quality, low-cost competition from overseas.
美国疾病管制局 U.S. Centers for Disease Control
乌干达(坎帕拉) Uganda(Kampala)
乌克兰(基辅) Ukraine(Kiev)
尺骨 ulna
《趸騭 ulphur dioxide
最终目标/终极目标 ultimate aim
最后通牒 ultimatum (n); to issue an ultimatum
超滤作用 ultrafiltration
超低硫柴油 ultra-low-sulphur diesel
美国农业部 U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA)
欧美公司目前正面临来自海外的高质素、低成本竞争。 U.S. and European companies are now facing high-quality, low-cost competition from overseas.
美国疾病管制局 U.S. Centers for Disease Control
乌干达(坎帕拉) Uganda(Kampala)
乌克兰(基辅) Ukraine(Kiev)
尺骨 ulna
《趸騭 ulphur dioxide
最终目标/终极目标 ultimate aim
最后通牒 ultimatum (n); to issue an ultimatum
超滤作用 ultrafiltration
超低硫柴油 ultra-low-sulphur diesel
咸蛋超人 Ultraman
紫外线幅射 ultra-violet radiation
脐动脉 umbilical artery
脐带 umbilical cord
脐静脉 umbilical vein
联合国行政和预算问题咨询委员会 UN Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions
联合国救援人员 UN relief officials
不摆架子的 unassuming
非法示威 unauthorised protests
僭建物 unauthorized building works
无条件的爱 unconditional love
昏迷病者 unconscious patients
根据选举条例 under election rules
因涉嫌盗用款项而饱受抨击 under fire for alleged misuse of funds
根据佛罗里达州法例,如领先双方得票率相差少于百分之零点五,将要自动重新点票。 Under Florida law, a victory margin of half of one per cent or less automatically triggers a recount.
在我们的制度,唯一体现问责的方法便是下台。 Under our system, the only way in which they can demonstrate accountability is to quit.
在某人的职责之内 under somebody‘s stewardship
工作压力大 under stress/stressed/stressed out
在周恩来总理力保下 under the auspices of Premier Zhou Enlai
根据基本法,行政长官和所有立法会议席可最早于零七年和零八年以普选产生。 Under the Basic Law, the chief executive and all the Legco members could be elected by universal suffrage by 2007 and 2008 at the earliest.
在这条例下,雇主不能以雇员有孕为由解雇她。 Under the ordinance, employers cannot exploit pregnancy as an excuse for sackings.
根据现行的利润管制计划 under the present scheme of control agreement
根据昨天公布的集资计划,每一千股电盈要供三十股 ,供股价为六元五角一股,和上周五收市价相同。 Under the terms of financing announced yesterday, CyberWorks will issue three shares for every 100 existing shares to shareholders at HK$6.50 each, equivalent to the counter‘s last closing price on Friday.
未成年喝酒 under-age drinking
未成年少女 underage girls
雏妓 underage prostitutes
未成年越南少女 underage Vietnamese girls
未煮熟的肉类 undercooked meat
卧底 undercover agents/undercover officers
廉署卧底 undercover ICAC officers
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