维他命 F/不饱和脂肪酸Vitamin F/Linoleic
美国 F117A隐形战机US F-117A stealth bomber
伪造指控 fabricated the allegations
就内地官员关于公安条例的看法大造文章 fabricating reports about mainland officials‘ views on the Public Order Ordinance
捏造新闻 fabricating stories/make up stories
脸 face
面临倒闭 face collapse
因疏忽职守面临纪律处分 face disciplinary action for neglecting their duties
面临解雇 face dismissal
遭到剥削 face exploitation
面临更多抨击 face more flak
面临政治孤立 face political isolation
美国 F117A隐形战机US F-117A stealth bomber
伪造指控 fabricated the allegations
就内地官员关于公安条例的看法大造文章 fabricating reports about mainland officials‘ views on the Public Order Ordinance
捏造新闻 fabricating stories/make up stories
脸 face
面临倒闭 face collapse
因疏忽职守面临纪律处分 face disciplinary action for neglecting their duties
面临解雇 face dismissal
遭到剥削 face exploitation
面临更多抨击 face more flak
面临政治孤立 face political isolation
将被遣返内地,和亲人相隔两地 face removal to the mainland and separation from their relatives
将被解雇 face the sack
因血腥屠杀而受起诉 face trial for genocide
面对现实 face up to reality
负债累累 faced heavy debts/was in heavy debt
有两个竞投对手 faced two bidding rivals
被落案起诉一项非法禁锢罪,今日在荃湾法院提堂 faces one count of false imprisonment and will appear in Tsuen Wan Court today
将被遣返内地 faces repatriation to the mainland
面部表情 facial expression
面部麻痹 facial nerve palsy
协助香港和珠三角进一步融合 facilitate Hong Kong‘s further integration with the Pearl River Delta region
改善教学成效 facilitate improvements in the effectiveness of teaching
在生活各方面面临适应问题 facing adjustment problems in different aspects of their lives
真正面对的只有两大难题 facing really just two major woes
承担一切基建及土地费用 factored in all infrastructure and land costs
粪便 faeces
未能通过临床测试 fail clinical trials
对伟哥没有反应 fail to respond to
未能通过酒精测试 failed a breathalyser test
争取居港权失败人士 failed abode claimants
(会考)得零分 failed all subjects
不通过防漏和韧度测试 failed leakage and strength tests
主要有效成分含量不合格 failed on its
缺乏处理危机能力 failed to act quickly in a crisis
未能打入香港市场/未能打进香港市场 failed to crack the Hong Kong market
没有申报买车一事 failed to declare his purchase of a new car
未能息除公众疑虑 failed to dispel public concerns
完全没有能力去消除社会分化 failed to do anything that may heal the widening rift
未能进行酒精测试 failed to give a breath test
未能证明其食品安全 failed to guarantee
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