过胖/痴肥 obese (a)/obesity (u); Obesity can
反对在太空部署任何武器 objected to any deployment of weapons in space
反对美国一面倒帮助以色列 objects to America‘s substantial support of Israel
反对任何台湾官员访美 objects to any visits by Taiwanese officials to the United States
完全毁掉乡村 obliterating villages
淫亵及不雅物品 obscene and indecent
淫亵物品类别评定委员会 Obscene Articles Classification Board
考察明日的总统选举 observe tomorrow‘s presidential election
遵守交通规则 observe traffic laws
非常憎恨 obsessive animosity
强逼观念及行为 obsessive compulsive
妇产科医师 obstetrician
反对在太空部署任何武器 objected to any deployment of weapons in space
反对美国一面倒帮助以色列 objects to America‘s substantial support of Israel
反对任何台湾官员访美 objects to any visits by Taiwanese officials to the United States
完全毁掉乡村 obliterating villages
淫亵及不雅物品 obscene and indecent
淫亵物品类别评定委员会 Obscene Articles Classification Board
考察明日的总统选举 observe tomorrow‘s presidential election
遵守交通规则 observe traffic laws
非常憎恨 obsessive animosity
强逼观念及行为 obsessive compulsive
妇产科医师 obstetrician
) Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (HKCOG
妇产科 Obstetrics and
妨碍司法公正 obstructed justice/perverted the course of justice
睡眠窒息症 obstructive sleep apnoea
取得黄宏发呼气酒精样本 obtain a sample of Mr Wong‘s breath
考取内地驾驶执照 obtain mainland driving licences
就九九年一月终审法院一案寻求人大常委会释法 obtained a Standing Committee reinterpretation of a January 1999 Court of Final Appeal ruling
未经许可收受贷款 obtaining unauthorised loans
(酒店)入住率 occupancy rates
职业性失聪(补偿)条例 Occupational Deafness (Compensation) Ordinance
职业安全健康局 Occupational Safety and Health Council
职业安全及健康条例 Occupational Safety and Health Regulation
占领巴勒斯坦大部分领土 occupies most of the Palestinian territories
海洋公园鲸豚保护基金 Ocean Park Conservation Foundation
八达通卡 Octopus cards
八达通增值机 Octopus stored-value facilities
怪人 oddity
共有四百一十三名考生在三月应考英文基准试,其中包括一百四十一名在职教师。三分二考生写作不及格,口试不及格的亦有五成。 Of 413 candidates, including 141 serving teachers, who sat the benchmark test in March, two-thirds failed in the writing assessment and half in the oral part.
大花园是是次疫潮的重灾区。 Of the
十一名局长中,五名来自非公务员体系,由董建华亲手挑选。另外六名原为决策局局长,现将离开公务员体系成为政治任命官员。 Of the 11 ministers, five are new faces hand-picked by Mr Tung from outside the civil service. The other six are incumbent policy secretaries who will leave the bureaucracy to become political appointees.
另类主题 offbeat topics
违例者可被判罚款五万元或入狱四年。 Offenders could be fined up to $50,000 or get four years‘ jail.
提供十二个月免费上网服务 offer 12 months of free Internet service
带来一丝希望 offer a beacon of hope
提供一年保养 offer a one-year warranty
辅导他的同学 offer counselling to his
捐赠器官 offer organs for transplant
提出自愿离职休计划 offer voluntary redundancy packages
推出无线上网服务 offer wireless Internet services
低调响应 offered a muted response
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