北美自由贸易区 NAFTA (North America Free Trade Area)
名古屋 Nagoya
南昌 Nam Cheong
南朗医院 Nam Long Hospital
南朗山 Nam Long Shan/Brick Hill
南生围 Nam Sang Wai
蚺蛇尖 Nam She Tsim/Sharp Peak
指派一个项目小组调查此案 named a special task force to investigate the case
指「第三者」是郑耀宗 named the ‘third party‘ as Professor Cheng
南京 Nanjing
南京大屠杀 Nanking massacre
纳米科学 nano science
名古屋 Nagoya
南昌 Nam Cheong
南朗医院 Nam Long Hospital
南朗山 Nam Long Shan/Brick Hill
南生围 Nam Sang Wai
蚺蛇尖 Nam She Tsim/Sharp Peak
指派一个项目小组调查此案 named a special task force to investigate the case
指「第三者」是郑耀宗 named the ‘third party‘ as Professor Cheng
南京 Nanjing
南京大屠杀 Nanking massacre
纳米科学 nano science
纳米科技 nanotechnology
纳米技术/纳米科技 nano-technology
南沙群岛 Nansha Qundao/Spratly Islands
南洋商业银行 Nanyang Commercial Bank, Ltd.
颈背 nape
那不勒斯 Naples
自我陶醉的 narcissistic
嗜睡症 narcolepsy
麻醉气体 narcotic gas
麻醉镇痛剂 narcotics
毒品调查科 Narcotics Bureau
禁毒处 Narcotics Division, Security Bureau
麻药中毒 narcotism
分歧收窄 narrowing differences
美国太空总署 NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
鼻腔 nasal cavity
美国那斯达克指数 Nasdaq
在纳斯达克挂牌 NASDAQ-listed
市场盛传盈动拟申请在 Nasdaq挂牌和与微软换股,令盈动股价昨日劲升百分之41.17. Shares in Pacific Century Cyberworks surged 41.17 per cent yesterday following reports of an equity swap with Microsoft and a planned Nasdaq listing.
微软公司科技主管奈森米尔佛 Nathan Myhrvold, chief technology officer, Microsoft Corp.
国歌 national anthem
国民大会 National Assembly
国家海洋局 National Bureau of Oceanography
(缅典)全国民主联盟 National League for Democracy
) National People‘s Congress (NPC
全国人大常委 National People‘s Congress Standing Committee member
全国人大常委曾宪梓 National People‘s Congress Standing Committee member Tsang Hin-chi
国策 national policy
国家安全 national security
国家安全,人人有责 National Security, Everyone‘s Responsibility
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