维他命 D Vitamin D/Calciferol/Ergosterol
民建联主席马力表示该党自区议会选举以来都认为「选情严峻」,当时亲政府议员大败而回。 DAB chairman Ma Lik said the party had regarded its election prospects as "rather critical" since November‘s district council elections, in which the pro-government candidates suffered a heavy defeat.
大新银行 Dah Sing Bank, Ltd.
日戴型隐形眼镜 daily wear lens
发日薪的 daily-paid???
达赖喇嘛 Dalai Lama
达拉斯 Dallas
损害了中国的国际地位 damage China‘s international standing
损害香港的国际声誉 damage Hong Kong‘s international reputation
打击某人士气 damage the morale of somebody
破坏国家形象 damage the nation‘s image
破坏国家的国际形象 damaged his country‘s international image
民建联主席马力表示该党自区议会选举以来都认为「选情严峻」,当时亲政府议员大败而回。 DAB chairman Ma Lik said the party had regarded its election prospects as "rather critical" since November‘s district council elections, in which the pro-government candidates suffered a heavy defeat.
大新银行 Dah Sing Bank, Ltd.
日戴型隐形眼镜 daily wear lens
发日薪的 daily-paid???
达赖喇嘛 Dalai Lama
达拉斯 Dallas
损害了中国的国际地位 damage China‘s international standing
损害香港的国际声誉 damage Hong Kong‘s international reputation
打击某人士气 damage the morale of somebody
破坏国家形象 damage the nation‘s image
破坏国家的国际形象 damaged his country‘s international image
破坏香港在国际上的声誉 damaged Hong Kong‘s international reputation
玷污立法会声誉 damaged Legco‘s reputation
破坏社会稳定,宣扬迷信邪说,蒙骗群众 damaged social stability, promulgated superstition and fallacies and deceived people
破坏了一些摄影器材 damaged some camera equipment
损害香港利益 damaged the interests of Hong Kong
损害法治 damaging the rule of law
使不活跃 dampen activity
对某物的兴趣减少 dampen interest in something
影响世界各地股市气氛 dampen sentiment in markets around the world
问题楼宇/危楼 dangerous buildings
危险药物条例 Dangerous Drugs Ordinance
危险品条例 Dangerous Goods Ordinance
林伟强 Daniel Lam Wai-keung
多瑙河 Danube
道亨银行 Dao Heng Bank Ltd.
大庆油田 Daqing oilfield
蛮勇之人 daredevil
花虾 Dark Brown-shelled Shrimp
达令河 Darling
印度教的功德 darshan
数据库/数据库 database
情史 dating resume
李国宝 David Li Kwok-po
长者日间护理中心 Day Care Centre for the Elderly
大亚湾核电厂 Daya Bay nuclear plant
日间护理中心 day-care centre
日常营运 day-to-day operations
公司的日常业务/日常运作 day-to-day operations of the business
事实上的 de facto (a)/(ad); The general took de facto control of the country./He continued to rule the country de facto.
处理香港问题 dealing with Hong Kong issues
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