获准以五百元保释,须于七月十日返警署报到 was
进行定期身体检查时,发现患上早期前列线癌 was
超额认讲六百六十九倍 was 669 times over-subscribed
是一件好事 was a good thing
是乙型肝炎带菌者 was a hepatitis B
有点不舒服 was a little off colour
将会向母公司收购更多资产 was about to acquire more assets from its parent firm
快将宣布列为疫埠 was about to be declared an
准备引爆炸弹 was about to detonate a bomb
获医学院取录 was accepted into the faculty of medicine
被控协助组织非法集会和阻差办公 was accused of assisting in organising an unauthorised assembly and obstructing police
上诉时洗脱罪名 was acquitted on appeal
进行定期身体检查时,发现患上早期前列线癌 was
超额认讲六百六十九倍 was 669 times over-subscribed
是一件好事 was a good thing
是乙型肝炎带菌者 was a hepatitis B
有点不舒服 was a little off colour
将会向母公司收购更多资产 was about to acquire more assets from its parent firm
快将宣布列为疫埠 was about to be declared an
准备引爆炸弹 was about to detonate a bomb
获医学院取录 was accepted into the faculty of medicine
被控协助组织非法集会和阻差办公 was accused of assisting in organising an unauthorised assembly and obstructing police
上诉时洗脱罪名 was acquitted on appeal
被送往伊莉沙伯医院 was admitted to
一致同意采纳 was adopted with unanimous consent
把油、蚝油和辣椒酱混合逼她喝 was also forced to drink a cocktail of oil, oyster sauce and chilli sauce
也被带走调查 was also taken in for questioning
正在囤积大规模毁灭性武器 was amassing a WMD stockpile
看来是持伪造英国护照乘飞机 was apparently traveling on a false British passport
于返回办公室时落网 was arrested
在一月九日就是次丑闻遭廉政公署拘捕 was arrested by the ICAC on January 9 over the scandal
因醉酒驾驶而被捕 was arrested for drink-driving
(林巧英)在十月九日乘搭前往纽约的东方航空公司航班时,因被怀疑持有假护照而被捕 was arrested on board a New York-bound Eastern Airline flight on October 9 on suspicion of having a forged passport
获诺贝尔和平奖 was awarded The Nobel Peace Prize
遭禁售 was barred from sale/had been pulled from
被人用铁棍殴打 was beaten with an iron stick
受黑社会人士「照顾」 was being looked after by a triad brother
被蒙眼、用东西把口塞住和用化学品烧 was blindfolded, gagged and burned with a chemical
有遗传病 was born with a hereditary illness
透过中间人收贿款 was bribed through a middleman
正忙于筹备婚礼 was busy playing wedding planner
奉召到现场 was called to the scene
收钱指正钱志明 was cashed in on evidence given against Chin
盛大庆祝 was celebrated with great pomp and ceremony
被人用铁链缠颈和脚,并扣上锁 was chained and padlocked around his neck and feet
于星期四证实患上非典型肺炎 was confirmed on
考虑加快更换旧水管 was considering speeding up the replacement of old water pipes
被裁定鲁莽驾驶罪成 was convicted of reckless driving
在台南扫街拜票 was cruising the streets in the southern city of Tainan
抵院时证实死亡 was dead on arrival at
送院后证实不治 was declared death at
她被控从事间谍活动,不准保释 was denied bail on
被指控为反革命份子 was denounced as a counterrevolutionary