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被拘留,兼且不得与外界接触    was kept incommunicado

被禁锢在加连威老道一个单位    was kept prisoner in a Granville Road flat

被封爵    was knighted

后来获无条件释放    was later released

一队护卫护送她离开机场,乘上房车离去    was led out of the airport by a team of bodyguards and whisked away in a limousine

(小孩)无人看管    was left unattended

正对准他/瞄准他    was leveled at him

于二千年十月五日在香港上市    was listed on Hong Kong‘s stock exchange on October 5, 2000

在英国爆发疯牛症疫症时于英国居住    was living in

未过试用期就被酒店辞退了    was made redundant from a hotel job before even passing probation

提出来审议    was mooted

颈和腰受重伤致死    was mortally wounded

大部分转口往内地发售    was mostly for re-export to the mainland

在现阶段不会考虑    was not being considered at this stage

没有呼吸脉搏    was not breathing and had

切除)手术    was not given the option of

没有实时倒塌的危险    was not in any immediate danger of collapse

没有兴趣参选    was not interested in running

对生意并不乐观    was not optimistic about his business prospects

不是事情主因    was not the crux of the matter

(事件)与千年虫无关    was not Y2K-related

每次口交获十万元报酬    was offered

和警犭一起巡逻    was on patrol with a dog

(桩柱)长度仅及标准长度的一半    was only half the required depth

原籍福建    was originally from Fujian province

于九六年被迫离开通用电器,由辛普森爵士接替其职位    was ousted from GEC in 1996 and succeeded by Lord Simpson

昏了过去    was overpowered by dizziness

被乘客和机组人员制服    was overpowered by passengers and crew

部分被烧焦    was partially singed

(食品)过期    was past its sell-by date

终生坐轮椅    was permanently confined to

(医院)设备简陋    was poorly equipped

由某人主持    was presided over by somebody

从某地撤离    was pulled out of somewhere

因涉嫌藉非法的股票交易来增加自己的控股权而入狱    was put behind bars for alleged illegal share transactions aimed at strengthening his control of the group

缓刑一年    was put on probation for a year

对外界刺激有反应    was reacting to

被炸成废墟    was reduced to rubble by an explosion

经九个月单独囚禁被释放    was released from nine

调查    was released on $1000 bail pending further

被保释外出    was released on bail

多次被拒保释    was repeatedly denied bail

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