泥鱼孟 Rabbit Fish
狂热的红卫兵 rabid Red Guards/fanatic Red Guards
狂犬病 rabies
造马案 race-fixing racket
造马 race-rigging
种族歧视 racial discrimination
勾当(收保护费的勾当) racket; a drugs/gambling/smuggling racket/ a protection racket
敲诈者 racketeer (n)
计算机萤光幕的幅射 radiation emitted from computer screens
等候接听时手机发出的辐射 radiation emitted from the phones while connecting
伊斯兰激进分子 radical Islamic extremists
激进的乡村代表 radical village representatives
狂热的红卫兵 rabid Red Guards/fanatic Red Guards
狂犬病 rabies
造马案 race-fixing racket
造马 race-rigging
种族歧视 racial discrimination
勾当(收保护费的勾当) racket; a drugs/gambling/smuggling racket/ a protection racket
敲诈者 racketeer (n)
计算机萤光幕的幅射 radiation emitted from computer screens
等候接听时手机发出的辐射 radiation emitted from the phones while connecting
伊斯兰激进分子 radical Islamic extremists
激进的乡村代表 radical village representatives
收音机 radio
电召费 radio call surcharge
香港电台 Radio Television Hong Kong
放射性物质 radioactive material
放射线专科医师 radiologist
桡骨 radius
拾荒者 ragpickers
突击搜查争取居港权人士的家 raided the homes of abode seekers
店 raided two residential units and a photocopying
以铁路为骨干的运输政策 rail-led transport policy
雨云 rain clouds
彩虹新地筒 Rainbow Cone
集资 raise capital/raise finance
加息 raise interest rates
调高借贷和储蓄利率 raise interest rates for both loans and deposits
加电费 raise tariffs
养育儿童 raise the children
增加股息 raise the dividend
发行新股集资八十三亿元应急 raised a much-needed $8.3 billion from an issue of new equity
担心扩阔路面工程会破坏郊野公园环境 raised concerns about the adverse impact on the country park during the road widening
加息半厘 raised interest rates by half a percentage point
调高定期存款息率 raised interest rates for term deposits
导致政府不稳定 raised questions over the Government‘s stability
加税和开征新税来增加收入 raised taxes and introduced new ones to boost revenue
把本年度的预期经济增长调高至百分之三 raised the growth forecast for this year‘s gross domestic product to 3 per cent
把恐怖袭击警报级别提升至橙色 raised the US security level to ‘‘code orange‘‘
提出与案情完全无关的问题 raised wholly extraneous questions
提升按揭利率 raises mortgage rates
开征新税 raises new taxes
提子松饼 Raisin Scone
当前第1页 共17页