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新闻公信力    the credibility of news coverage

跨部门专责小组、跨部门工作小组    the cross-departmental taskforce

文革    the Cultural Revolution

剪掉黄贯中的言论    the cutting of Wong‘s words

数码港信息资源中心    the Cyberport iResource Centre

民建联原本表示会反对杀局。但当杀局草案在二读阶段出现票数不足而遭否决的危机时,民建联主席曾钰成转轪,令杀局草案得以进入最后表决阶段。    The DAB had said it would oppose the abolition plan. But when the bill appeared in danger of being defeated at the second reading, Mr Tsang said his party would support it so it could go on to the final stage of the legislative process.

民建联是立法会内的最大政党。    The DAB is the largest political party in Legco.

民建联中常委将于下周二的会议里考虑是否接受曾钰成的请辞。    The DAB‘s central committee would consider Mr Tsang‘s resignation at a meeting next Tuesday.

新增感染个案连续三日少了五宗    the daily

通缩日子重临    the days of deflation return

星展银行    the DBS Bank

致命的病毒    the deadly virus

最宝贵的教训    the dearest lesson

十二月的立委选举    the December legislative election

(美国)独立宣言    the Declaration of Independence

辩方    the defence

马先生所预期的通缩丝毫没有减退迹象,这多得数个因素,包括联系汇率、大陆相对的低成本和港府的减免措施。    The deflation Mr Ma predicted has shown no signs of abating, thanks to a number of factors that include the currency peg, cheaper costs on the mainland and government relief measures.

前白石羁留中心    the defunct Whitehead detention centre

是次延误突显港府和中央政府协调不足    the delay exposed a lack of co-ordination between the Tung administration and Beijing

珠江三角洲的污染问题    the delta‘s pollution problems

民主墙运动    the Democracy Wall movement

民主运动已失去方向。    The democratic activists have apparently now lost their orientation.

民建联的得票远胜预期,取代了民主党成为立法会第一大党。    The Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong has replaced the Democratic Party as the biggest party in the Legislative Council after performing much better than expected.

民主运动    the democratic campaign

立法会选举候选人何伟途卷入性丑闻,导致民主党流失选票。    The Democratic Party has lost ground to its rivals in the wake of the sex scandal involving one of its Legco election candidates, Alex Ho Wai-to.

民主党宣布选情告急,呼吁选民支持李柱铭,他们说余若薇的名单已经够票。    The Democratic Party put out an emergency appeal for voters to back Mr Lee, saying Ms Eu‘s list had enough support.

游行的起点    the departure point for the march

破坏别人家庭幸福的人    the destroyer of happy

破坏历史建筑    the destruction of historic architecture

阻吓作用    the deterrent effect

难以提出可呈上法庭的证物    the difficulty in producing evidence admissible in court

数码娱乐领袖论坛    the Digital Entertainment Leadership Forum

发行新股后导致利润摊薄    the dilution of earnings arising from the share sale

防止虐待儿童会总干事雷张慎佳    The director of Against Child Abuse, Priscilla Lui Tsang Sun-kai

港澳办主任兼政协副主席廖晖    the director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office, Liao Hui

伤残歧视条例    the Disability Discrimination Ordinance

弱势社群人士    the disadvantaged

弱势社群    the disadvantaged in the community

票价由六元七角减至六元,减幅为七角,优惠期为两个月。    The discounted fare of $6 is a 70-cent reduction on the normal fare of $6.70 and will last for 2 months.???

讨论政府的政改方案    the discussion of the government package for democratic reform

迪士尼效应    the Disney effect

废物处理    the disposal of rubbish

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