区议会模式 the district council model
时,有时甚至不准放假。 The doctors say
警犭跳起试图捉住那名男子。 The dog
失事的班机/失事客机 the doomed flight
经全面消毒。 The dormitory in the hospital where
理想主义是双面刃 the double-edged quality of idealism
该批毒品的目的地并非香港。 The drug was not intended for the Hong Kong market.
没收的毒品 the drugs seizure
新界鸭鹅同业互助会 the Duck and Geese Traders‘
选举事务委员会表示这些事故无损选举的公平公正。 The EAC concludes that none of what happened undermined the fairness and integrity of the election.
越早发现乳癌,就有越多疗法可以选择。 The earlier
经济起飞。 The economy is at a take-off stage.
时,有时甚至不准放假。 The doctors say
警犭跳起试图捉住那名男子。 The dog
失事的班机/失事客机 the doomed flight
经全面消毒。 The dormitory in the hospital where
理想主义是双面刃 the double-edged quality of idealism
该批毒品的目的地并非香港。 The drug was not intended for the Hong Kong market.
没收的毒品 the drugs seizure
新界鸭鹅同业互助会 the Duck and Geese Traders‘
选举事务委员会表示这些事故无损选举的公平公正。 The EAC concludes that none of what happened undermined the fairness and integrity of the election.
越早发现乳癌,就有越多疗法可以选择。 The earlier
经济起飞。 The economy is at a take-off stage.
经济崩溃。 The economy is in tatters.
今年经济收缩达百分之五。 The economy shrank by five per cent this year.
未来六个月香港经济将依靠本地消费。 The economy would rely on local consumption for the next six months
经济命脉 the economy‘s lifeblood
由于立法会议员、学者和学生施压,教育统筹局局长被迫撤回备受争议的大学削资草案。 The education minister has been forced to delay seeking Legco approval for his hotly contested university funding cuts in the face of pressure from legislators, academics and students.
小班教学的成效 the effectiveness of small-class teaching
内地宏观调控的成效 the effectiveness of the mainland‘s tightening measures
选举委员会定于三月二十四日以暗票形式选出下一任行政长官。 The Election Committee was to have voted in a secret ballot on the next chief executive on March 24.
选举年 the election year
选举管理委员会主席胡国兴 The Electoral Affairs Commission chairman Mr. Justice Woo Kwok-hing
廉署昨日拘捕娱乐巨子杨受成和歌手麦浚龙,震动整个娱乐圈。他们涉嫌以钱买奖。 The entertainment industry yesterday was rocked by the arrest of mogul Albert Yeung Sau-shing and singer Juno Mak Chun-lung as part of a sweeping ICAC investigation into an alleged bribes-for-awards scam.
疫情重灾区 the epicentre of the current outbreak
疫情失控 the epidemic has got out of hand
建立两岸军事互信机制 the establishment of a mechanism to create military mutual trust
定立普选时间表 the establishment of a timetable for achieving universal suffrage
行政会议昨日通过三十二万名公务员和附属机构员工的加薪方案,预计政府每年开支会增加四十亿元。 The Executive Council yesterday endorsed a pay rise offer to all 320,000 civil servants and staff at subsidised organisations which will cost the Government an estimated $4 billion a year.
行政院 The Executive Yuan
行政立法关系 the executive-legislature relationship
现有制度 the existing system
文锦渡出境管制站 the exit control point at Man Kam To
预期的合作计划 the expected alliance
沙士报告 the expert report on Sars
扩大警权 the extension of police powers
风眼 the eye of the storm
昨日跌市已导致起码一家科技公司决定延迟上市。 The fallout has delayed plans for at least one technology listing.
绑匪要求家属往内地缴付赎金。 The family was ordered to pay the money across the border.
快线 the fast lane
水警驱逐快艇 the fast-pursuit craft
是次可行性研究证明中电最近致力进一步打入大陆能源市场。 The feasibility study underlines CLP‘s latest efforts to penetrate further into the mainland power market.
香港医学组织联会 The Federation of