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香港新闻工作者从业词典    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
被扣十五分    received a 15-demerit-point punishment

接受骨髓移植    received a bone marrow transplant

透过手提电话的文字讯息收到死亡恐吓    received a death threat via a mobile phone text message

因输血而感染    received a tainted blood

接受移植手术    received a transplant

两年前接受肝脏移植手术    received a transplant two

在西方接受高等教育    received advanced education in the West

得到的士司机广泛支持    received broad support from the taxi industry

更为朋辈所接受    received greater acceptance from their peers

接受肾脏移植手术    received kidney transplants

收到大信封    received letters of dismissal

昨天收到内地官员的电话,询问他对游行的看法    received phone calls from mainland officials yesterday canvassing his views on the march

受到特殊待遇    received preferential treatment

收到绑匪电话,要求六百万元赎金    received ransom calls demanding $6 million

被判入狱十八个月至十年半不等    received sentences ranging from 18 months to 10.5 years

颈部受轻伤    received slight injuries to

接受植入手术    received the implant

接受性病治疗    received treatment for

收到内含可疑粉末的邮件    receiving a suspicious letter containing powdery substance

最近改革以攻取中产阶级市场    recently revamped itself to appeal to the middle class

不久前「标普」宣布把港元长期债务评级前景展望由稳定降至负面。    Recently, Standard & Poor‘s announced that it would downgrade its outlook for Hong Kong‘s long-term local currency credit rating from stable to negative.

充电式电池/充电池    rechargeable batteries

独奏会    recital

诵念佛经    recite Buddhist chants

在坚尼地城对开海面填海七十九公顷    reclaim 79 hectares off Kennedy Town

在维港填海一百九十三公顷    reclaimed 193 hectares in the harbour

填海计划    reclamation plan

隐蔽青年    reclusive adolescents

认得警方提供的电话号码    recognised the telephone

承认同性恋的正当性/承认同性恋是合法的    recognized the legitimacy of homosexual relations

基因重组后的病毒    recombinant virus

和解    reconciliation (u)(sing); There seemed little hope of reconciliation between the two superpowers./All our attempts at reconciliation have failed.

化解政策分歧    reconciling their policy differences

改装(巴士)座位    reconfigure seating on their vehicles

去年亏损二亿二千五百万元    recorded a $225 million budget deficit last financial year

叙述    recount(vt); recount the details of the conversation to the court

收回债款    recover the debt

重获信誉    recover their trust and goodwill

发现尸体    recovered bodies

搜获赃物    recovered suspected stolen items

向外招聘人手    recruit from outside

雇用某人    recruit somebody/hire somebody/take somebody on/employ somebody; In American English you hire people for any job, but in British English you only hire people for a particular purpose for a short time. Otherwise you employ them or take them on (or, more fo

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