达成和议 reach a peace settlement
大致达成共识 reach broad agreement
(搭客量)达饱和 reach capacity
成为政务司司长 reach the top of the civil service
到(在火场中)受困的人所在的地方 reach victims
达成协议 reach/strike an agreement on something/to do something
走到十字路口 reached an intersection
抵达政府总部 reached the government headquarters
以一贯爱理不理态度对待投票结果 reacted with typical defiance to the votes
反应堆 reactor
读者人数 readership
可在药房买到 readily available over the counter
大致达成共识 reach broad agreement
(搭客量)达饱和 reach capacity
成为政务司司长 reach the top of the civil service
到(在火场中)受困的人所在的地方 reach victims
达成协议 reach/strike an agreement on something/to do something
走到十字路口 reached an intersection
抵达政府总部 reached the government headquarters
以一贯爱理不理态度对待投票结果 reacted with typical defiance to the votes
反应堆 reactor
读者人数 readership
可在药房买到 readily available over the counter
老花眼镜 reading glasses/bifocals
地产经纪/房地产中介 real estate agent
地产及建造界 Real Estate and Construction
地产建设商会 Real Estate Developers‘ Association
房地产投资信托基金 Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)
出售新纪元广场套现近六十亿港元/出售新纪元广场进帐近六十亿港元 realised almost HK$6 billion through the sale of Grand Milleninium Plaza
政权平稳过渡 realising a smooth political transition
获得 reap
捞得政治本钱 reap political capital
更改大学选科次序,以增加入读大学的机会率 rearrange the rank of institution programme choices to increase their chances of entering university
重新评估疫情 reassess the situation
重新评估处理家庭暴力投诉的政策 reassess their policies for handling domestic violence complaints
(断肢)重新接上 reattach
退税 rebate (n)
重建 rebuild
重建市民对公屋信心 rebuild confidence in public housing
重建伊拉克 rebuild Iraq
重建委员会的声誉 rebuilding the commission‘s reputation
指责 rebuke (vt)/(n)
驳斥指责 rebutted allegations
回收(有问题的产品) recall
召回驻美国大使 recall its ambassador to Washington
召回大使 recalled its ambassador
收到多过三千个查询 receive more than 3000 inquiries
做开心手术 receive open-heart surgery
接受精神治疗 receive psychological
领取中一派位结果 receive their secondary school placement
可获最多六个月薪金作遣散赔偿 receive up to six months‘ pay
从三十多名市民收集到有用情报 received
收到十一宗有关楼花买卖的投诉 received 11 complaints about the sale of uncompleted flats