独力抚养孩子 raising children alone
提高曝光率 raising her profile
散布虚假消息称有恐怖袭击 raising hoax alarms of terrorist attacks
举起右手中指 raising the middle finger of his right hand
(股价)反弹(名词) rally/rebound/recover/regain ground/regain lost ground (v)
(股价)反弹(动词) rally/recovery (n); Shares staged a spectacular recovery yesterday and regained a lot of the ground lost in Thursday‘s bloodbath.
(军队)蹂躏该区 rampaged through the area
上街暴动 rampaged through the streets
猖獗的 rampant
搁浅 ran aground
离家出走 ran away from home
经营非法油站 ran illicit diesel oil filling stations
提高曝光率 raising her profile
散布虚假消息称有恐怖袭击 raising hoax alarms of terrorist attacks
举起右手中指 raising the middle finger of his right hand
(股价)反弹(名词) rally/rebound/recover/regain ground/regain lost ground (v)
(股价)反弹(动词) rally/recovery (n); Shares staged a spectacular recovery yesterday and regained a lot of the ground lost in Thursday‘s bloodbath.
(军队)蹂躏该区 rampaged through the area
上街暴动 rampaged through the streets
猖獗的 rampant
搁浅 ran aground
离家出走 ran away from home
经营非法油站 ran illicit diesel oil filling stations
周转不灵,面临清盘 ran into cash-flow problems and faced liquidation
深恨的 rancorous
南非兰特 rand, Rd
基层党员 rank-and-file party members
盗取 ransack
掠夺 ransack (vt); The house had been ransacked by burglars.
赎金 ransom
口出狂言 rant (vi)/(n)
芥花籽油 rapeseed oil
蔓延得很快的 rapid-spreading
**犯 rapist
和解、修好 rapprochement
珍贵纯种狗 rare pedigree dog
老鼠药 rat poison
所有地方都已放置老鼠药。 Rat poison
应课差饷租值 rateable charges
差饷 rates
应课差饷征收率 rates percentage charge
评级机构 rating agency
收视率调查公司 rating agency (comm)
差饷物业估价署 Rating and Valuation Department
理性包容 rational and accommodating
令业界为之震惊 rattled the industry
语无伦次 rave (vi)
峡谷 ravine
生食主义 raw foodism
地铁主席钱果丰 Raymond Chien Kuo-fung, the MTRC chairman
何钟泰 Raymond Ho Chung-tai
重吸收作用 reabsorption
就选举安排达成共识 reach a consensus on the electoral arrangements