机械臂 robotic arm
机器人学家 roboticist
落基山脉 Rocky Mountains
善用反战情绪因而胜选 rode antiwar feeling to a narrow election win
啮齿动物 rodent
视杆细胞 rods
顽劣的病菌 rogue germs
十字架(毒品) Rohypnol
劳力士手表 Rolex watches
) Romania(Bucharest
汤家骅 Ronny Tong Ka-wah
四十五条关注组成员汤家骅 Ronny Tong Ka-wah, a member of the Article 45 Concern Group
机器人学家 roboticist
落基山脉 Rocky Mountains
善用反战情绪因而胜选 rode antiwar feeling to a narrow election win
啮齿动物 rodent
视杆细胞 rods
顽劣的病菌 rogue germs
十字架(毒品) Rohypnol
劳力士手表 Rolex watches
) Romania(Bucharest
汤家骅 Ronny Tong Ka-wah
四十五条关注组成员汤家骅 Ronny Tong Ka-wah, a member of the Article 45 Concern Group
天台搭建物 rooftop structures
(警察)新手 rookie
室温 room temperature
单位大 roomy/spacious (a)
(禽鸟的)栖木 roost
鼻根 root of nose
从轮椅站起来 rose from her wheelchair
编更问题 rostering dispute???
拨号式电话 rotary telephone
以死记硬背为主的学习方法 rote-based learning
死记硬背的学习方法 rote-learning
鹿特丹 Rotterdam(Netherlands)
打鼓蟹 Round Crab
子宫圆韧带 round ligament of uterus
圆形窗 round window
廿四小时周密照顾 round-the-clock
廿四小时通关/二十四小时通关 round-the-clock opening of the border between Hong Kong and Shenzhen/round-the-clock operations
三号干线 Route 3
荃锦公路 Route Twisk
击溃拉登和其网络 routing bin Laden and his network
粗野的学生 rowdy pupil
文莱皇家航空公司 Royal Brunei Airlines
加拿大皇家骑警 Royal Canadian Mounted Police
皇家约旦航空公司 Royal Jordanian
皇家尼泊尔航空 Royal Nepal Airlines
版税 royalty
港台员工 RTHK staff
港台公信力 RTHK‘s credibility
向对手苹果速销落井下石 rubbed salt in the wounds of rival Admart
橡胶子弹 rubber bullets