富豪排行榜 rich list
富裕国家 rich nations
民间人权阵线发言人蔡耀昌 Richard Choi Yiu-cheong, spokesman for the Civil Human Rights Front
李泽楷 Richard Li Tzar-kai
佝偻病 rickets
布满地雷 riddled with mines
暴民 riffraff
射击场 rifle ranges
右心房/右心耳 right atrium
右脑 right cerebral hemisphere
右肺 right lung
右心室 right ventricle
富裕国家 rich nations
民间人权阵线发言人蔡耀昌 Richard Choi Yiu-cheong, spokesman for the Civil Human Rights Front
李泽楷 Richard Li Tzar-kai
佝偻病 rickets
布满地雷 riddled with mines
暴民 riffraff
射击场 rifle ranges
右心房/右心耳 right atrium
右脑 right cerebral hemisphere
右肺 right lung
右心室 right ventricle
亲密战将、心腹、亲信 right-hand man
右倾 right-leaning
人权拥护者胡红玉昨日誓言,平等机会委员会会更主动打击歧视问题。 Rights advocate Anna Wu Hung-yuk vowed yesterday to make the Equal Opportunities Commission a more active player in the fight against discrimination.
认股权发行 rights issue/cash call
无框眼镜 rimless glasses
手机铃声 ring tones
马来西亚林吉特 ringgit, RM
(罪犯)头目 ringleader
铃声 ringtone
漱口 rinsing your mouth
里约热内卢 Rio de Janeiro(Brazil)
扯开她的裙子 ripped off her dress
饭盒 rise boxes
接受这个挑战 rise to the challenge
原料价格上升降低了边际利润。 Rising material costs have eroded profit margins.
范徐丽泰 Rita Fan Hsu Lai-tai
敌对阵营 rival camps???
扣人心弦的 riveting
人民币 Rmb, ¥
重铺路面计划 road resurfacing programme
路试 road test
道路使用者、司机 road users
路障 roadblocks
扩阔路面工程计划 road-widening proposal
在几近空无一物的街上闲逛 roamed the near-empty streets
漫游 roaming
乳猪 roast suckling pig
用刀指吓洗劫的士司机 robbed a taxi driver at
持刀抢劫两名女子 robbed two women at
钟庭耀 Robert Chung Ting-yiu