橡皮图章 rubber stamp
消毒酒精 rubbing alcohol/liquid
巨型垃圾箱 rubbish skip
垃圾 rubbish/refuse/garbage(AmE)/trash(AmE)
德国麻疹 rubella
风疹 rubella/German measles
表示不会参选特首 ruled himself out of the chief executive race
表明人民币现时不会升值 ruled out an immediate appreciation of the yuan
否决双普选 ruled out dual universal suffrage
表明德国不会参与攻伊战事 ruled out German participation in an attack on Iraq
否决零七零八普选 ruled out the introduction of universal suffrage in 2007 and 2008
执政党 ruling party
消毒酒精 rubbing alcohol/liquid
巨型垃圾箱 rubbish skip
垃圾 rubbish/refuse/garbage(AmE)/trash(AmE)
德国麻疹 rubella
风疹 rubella/German measles
表示不会参选特首 ruled himself out of the chief executive race
表明人民币现时不会升值 ruled out an immediate appreciation of the yuan
否决双普选 ruled out dual universal suffrage
表明德国不会参与攻伊战事 ruled out German participation in an attack on Iraq
否决零七零八普选 ruled out the introduction of universal suffrage in 2007 and 2008
执政党 ruling party
罹患心血管疾病的机会较高 run an
每日刊载召妓指南和女郎艳照 run daily guides to sex services and pictures of scantily-clad women
和民主党的涂谨申在九龙西以同一名单参选 run on a joint ticket with Democrat James To Kun-sun in the Kowloon West constituency
撞倒某人 run somebody over/knock somebody down/hit
离家出走的少年 runaway teenager
正在亏蚀 running at a loss
冒险不注册 running the risk of not registering
开办无牌补习学校 running unregistered schools
(同一张选单的)竞选拍档 running-mate
跑道中央线 runway centreline
印度卢比 rupee, R
印尼盾 rupiah, Rup
破坏国家和谐 rupture in national harmony arise
乡郊路线 rural route
诡计、权术 ruse/wiles
火点 Rusell‘s Snapper
俄罗斯每日向外国输出三百万桶石油,包括美国。 Russia ships 3 million bbl a day to other countries, including the U.S.
俄罗斯(莫斯科) Russia(Moscow)
律敦治医院 Ruttonjee Hospital
) Rwanda(Kigali
琉球群岛 Ryukyu Islands
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