中共总书记 party general secretary/General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party
政党领袖 party leaders
党员正忙于弥补近日的伤害。 Party members are scrambling to undo some of the more recent damage.
去宴会作乐的人 partygoers
通过动议,要求政府全面检讨备受争议的「单一招标」模式 pass a motion for a full review on the contentious "single-developer" approach
及格率 pass rate
把上升成本转嫁给消费者 pass the extra costs onto customers
经共享针筒传染 passed through shared needles
香港赤?角机场的乘客流量自沙士爆发以来下跌百分之八十。 Passenger flow at Hong Kong‘s Chek Lap Kok airport is down 80% since the SARS outbreak.
客运大楼 passenger terminal
长途客 passengers on long-distance routes
乘客表示客机一起飞就失事。 Passengers said the
政党领袖 party leaders
党员正忙于弥补近日的伤害。 Party members are scrambling to undo some of the more recent damage.
去宴会作乐的人 partygoers
通过动议,要求政府全面检讨备受争议的「单一招标」模式 pass a motion for a full review on the contentious "single-developer" approach
及格率 pass rate
把上升成本转嫁给消费者 pass the extra costs onto customers
经共享针筒传染 passed through shared needles
香港赤?角机场的乘客流量自沙士爆发以来下跌百分之八十。 Passenger flow at Hong Kong‘s Chek Lap Kok airport is down 80% since the SARS outbreak.
客运大楼 passenger terminal
长途客 passengers on long-distance routes
乘客表示客机一起飞就失事。 Passengers said the
时而昏迷,时而清醒 passing in and out
酗酒、烂赌、好色 passionate about drinking, gambling and women
损失四亿六千三百万元 Passive smoking
蜡笔 pastel
印水纸 paste-on tattoos
张贴海报要求选举 pasting posters demanding elections
笔架山 Pat Ka Shan
消除分歧 patched up their differences
明显地 patently
拓荒者/开荒牛 pathfinder
病理学家 pathologist
博思会 Pathways Foundation
病人团体/病人组织 patient groups
(新界乡村的)父权制 patriarchy
刘秀成 Patrick Lau Sau-shing
爱国商人 patriotic businessman
中国的爱国主义教育 patriotic education in China
爱国学校 patriotic schools
水警小艇 patrol boat
两人一组巡逻 patrol in pairs
乘客人数 patronage
为中国加入世贸组织铺路 pave the way for Beijing to enter the World Trade Organisation
为明年大选铺路 pave the way for election next year
为事业铺路 pave the way for their careers
付二十五万元人成币做赎金 pay 250,000 yuan ransom
付上沉重的政治代价 pay a heavy political price
派发末期股息五十仙和特别股息二十七仙 pay a special dividend of 27 HK cents with a final dividend of 50 HK cents
注重个人卫生 pay attention to personal hygiene
注意社会责任 pay attention to their social responsibilities
减薪 pay cuts