胰液 pancreatic juice
蔓延全国的传染病 pandemic
事务委员会 Panels
无端恐惧症 panic attacks
泛珠三角区域合作与发展论坛 Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Co-operation and Development Forum
泛珠三角地区 pan-Pearl River Delta regions
造纸厂 paper mills
废纸回收业 paper recycling industry
纸巾 paper towels
巴布亚。新畿内亚(莫尔兹比港) Papua New Guinea(Port Moresby)
对氨基苯(甲)酸 Para-aminobenzoic Acid
游行 parade
蔓延全国的传染病 pandemic
事务委员会 Panels
无端恐惧症 panic attacks
泛珠三角区域合作与发展论坛 Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Co-operation and Development Forum
泛珠三角地区 pan-Pearl River Delta regions
造纸厂 paper mills
废纸回收业 paper recycling industry
纸巾 paper towels
巴布亚。新畿内亚(莫尔兹比港) Papua New Guinea(Port Moresby)
对氨基苯(甲)酸 Para-aminobenzoic Acid
游行 parade
巴拉圭(亚松森) Paraguay(Asuncion)
水货 parallel imports
自颈部以下瘫痪 paralysed form the neck
颈部以下全身瘫痪 paralysed from the
货运服务瘫痪 paralysing freight handling
医务辅助人员 paramedic
辅助正规军的 paramilitaries
妄想症 paranoia
寄生虫 parasites
狗仔队式跟踪某人 parazzi-style hounding of somebody
羊皮纸 parchment
母公司长实盈利增长百分之十二,达九十八亿一千万元。 Parent Cheung Kong (Holdings) reported 12 per cent profit growth to $9.81 billion.
家长教育 parent education
《亲子时代》杂志 Parentage magazine
家长希望子女有某人般的成就。 Parents hope their toddlers will follow in the footsteps of somebody.
家长一般认为英语学校质素较高。 Parents often perceive English-medium schools to be of higher quality.
家长教师会 parent-teacher association
不受欢迎的人 pariah
路边泊车咪表收费 parking meter charges
柏金逊症 Parkinson‘s disease
百佳昨日挑起新一轮减价战。 ParknShop turned up the heat in the supermarket price war yesterday.
。 Parliament voted overwhelmingly on Monday to censure Wahid a second time over two graft scandals, moving closer to possible impeachment by the supreme People‘s Consultative Assembly (MPR)
国会大选 parliamentary elections
议会政治 parliamentary politics
波斯坟场 Parsee Cemetery
人体免疫系统的一部分 part of the body‘s immune
部分氢化的食油 partially hydrogenated oils
集会人士填满三个足球场,他们身上贴着写有「国家安全」的红色贴纸 participants wore red stickers reading "national security" and filled three football pitches
(车)微粒过滤器 particulate traps
党派的 partisan