交女儿的学费 pay my daughter‘s school fees
向航空公司作出赔偿 pay restitution to the airline
交赎金 pay the ransom
薪酬趋势调查 pay trend survey
赞美某事物 pay tribute to something
可以十个月免息分期付款 payable in 10 interest-free instalments
公众电话 pay-phones
出粮户口 payroll account
对正当的司法程序毫不尊重 pays no respect to the proper judicial processes
收费电视公司 pay-TV operators
电讯盈科计划合股,股份五合一。 PCCW has proposed a five-for-one share consolidation.
盈动自年初至今已下跌百分之九点九,下跌原因为市场担心大东会在本周初禁售期结束时拋售电盈股票。 PCCW stock has fallen 9.9 per cent so far this year on fears that Britain‘s Cable & Wireless will offload half of its 15 per cent stake in PCCW after a lock-up period expired earlier this week.
向航空公司作出赔偿 pay restitution to the airline
交赎金 pay the ransom
薪酬趋势调查 pay trend survey
赞美某事物 pay tribute to something
可以十个月免息分期付款 payable in 10 interest-free instalments
公众电话 pay-phones
出粮户口 payroll account
对正当的司法程序毫不尊重 pays no respect to the proper judicial processes
收费电视公司 pay-TV operators
电讯盈科计划合股,股份五合一。 PCCW has proposed a five-for-one share consolidation.
盈动自年初至今已下跌百分之九点九,下跌原因为市场担心大东会在本周初禁售期结束时拋售电盈股票。 PCCW stock has fallen 9.9 per cent so far this year on fears that Britain‘s Cable & Wireless will offload half of its 15 per cent stake in PCCW after a lock-up period expired earlier this week.
民企股 p-chips
市盈率( PE)低于十are trading at less than 10 times price-to-earnings (PE) ratio
豌豆 Pea
豆苗 Pea Shoots
和平使者 peace broker
和平进程 peace process
和谈 peace talks/peace conference
和平集会 peaceful assembly
高峰期 peak season
缆车服务在平安夜、圣诞日和大除夕延长至凌晨二时。 Peak Tram services will be extended to 2am on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year‘s Eve.
拋书包 pedantic
行人专用区 pedestrian zone/pedestrian precincts/pedestrian-only zone/car-free areas/pedestrian walkway
将一些地区划定为行人专用区 pedestrianisation of some areas
小儿科医师 pediatrician/paediatrician
小儿科 Pediatrics
有娈童癖的人 pedophile
偷看单位内的情况 peeping into a flat
偷窥裙底春光 peeping up woman‘s skirt
朋辈压力 peer pressure
把人民币和一篮子货币挂勾 pegging the yuan to a basket of currencies
将年终双粮与盈利增长挂钩 pegging year-end bonus to operating profit growth
向某地掷石 pelt somewhere with stones
盆骨 pelvis
肾盂 pelvis (kidney)
坪洲 Peng Chau
澎湖列岛 Penghu Lieh Tao/Pescadores Islands/Penghu archipelago
阴茎 penis
仙股 penny stocks
仙股丑闻/仙股风波 penny stocks scandal
竹篙湾 Penny‘s Bay