为股东谋求最大利益 maximise shareholders‘ interests
致力争取私人机构参与赞助 maximise sponsorship opportunities from the private sector
入息限额 maximum monthly income
高度设防监狱 maximum security prisons
或会禁止十八岁以上人士购买 may be restricted to people aged over 18
或会注射禽流感疫苗 may be vaccinated against bird
可能对路人造成不便 may cause inconvenience to passers-by
可能会考虑再次释法 may consider another interpretation
可能会面临处分 may face punishment
可能被点错相 may have bben attacked by
可能偏离了原定的航行路线 may have strayed from its flight path
入错跑道 may have taxied down the wrong runway
致力争取私人机构参与赞助 maximise sponsorship opportunities from the private sector
入息限额 maximum monthly income
高度设防监狱 maximum security prisons
或会禁止十八岁以上人士购买 may be restricted to people aged over 18
或会注射禽流感疫苗 may be vaccinated against bird
可能对路人造成不便 may cause inconvenience to passers-by
可能会考虑再次释法 may consider another interpretation
可能会面临处分 may face punishment
可能被点错相 may have bben attacked by
可能偏离了原定的航行路线 may have strayed from its flight path
入错跑道 may have taxied down the wrong runway
能帮助你减压 may help you to de-stress
依旧是陈腔滥调 may not get beyond the platitudes
或会向参加工会的员工报复 may retaliate against workers who join the union
会严重打击国际投资者对中国企业的信心 may seriously affect international investors‘ confidence in mainland firms
也许他应该辞职以体现香港的问责精神。 Maybe he should resign in the spirit of accountability in Hong Kong.
大混乱 mayhem (u); There was complete mayhem after the explosion.
浓香咖啡 McBlend Coffee
浓滑奶茶 McBrew Tea
麦香鸡 McChicken
脆辣鸡腿包 McCrisy Chicken Filet Burger
麦当劳 McDonald‘s
麦旋风 McFlurry
脆香鸡翼 McWings
五月七日,中国北方航空公司一架 MD-82型
外出用膳 meals bought away from home
电盈亦宣布主席李泽楷昨天吸纳了一千零七十二万股电盈股份。 Meanwhile, PCCW also announced chairman Richard Li Tzar-kai had acquired 10.72 million shares in the company yesterday.
与此同时,教育署副署长汤启康备受抨击。事缘他日前表示语文基准试不合格的老师可以转任图书馆主任。 Meanwhile, remarks by assistant director for education Anthony Tong Kai-hong that teachers who failed the test could become school librarians have drawn fire.
麻疹 measles
测量酸碱度 measures acidity and alkalinity
反肉食主义者 meat defeater
(吊臂车的)油压脚架 mechanical tripod
插手 meddle
干预香港事务 meddling in Hong Kong affairs
无国界医生 Medecins Sans Frontieres
新闻操守 media ethics
记者会 media session
传媒大亨梅铎 media tycoon Rupert Murdoch
医学界 Medical
医务委员会主席麦列菲菲 Medical Council
医疗保险 medical insurance