实习医生 medical interns/trainee
医学研究 medical research
医疗储蓄计划 medical savings scheme
医科生 medical student
医学生 medical students
医学废物/医学废料 medical waste
药柜、药箱 medicine cabinet
自己的知识,以免过时。 Medicine is a
医护人员 medics
地中海 Mediterranean Sea
教学语言政策 medium-of-instruction policy
中高层职位 medium-to-high-end jobs
医学研究 medical research
医疗储蓄计划 medical savings scheme
医科生 medical student
医学生 medical students
医学废物/医学废料 medical waste
药柜、药箱 medicine cabinet
自己的知识,以免过时。 Medicine is a
医护人员 medics
地中海 Mediterranean Sea
教学语言政策 medium-of-instruction policy
中高层职位 medium-to-high-end jobs
肾髓质 medulla
延脑 medulla (brain)
受到同业的巨大阻力 meet "strong
迎接二十一世纪的挑战 meet the challenges of the 21st century
达成退休目标 meet their retirement goals
应付越来越大的过境旅客流量 meeting the needs of growing cross-border traffic
(印尼)梅加瓦蒂 Megawati Sukarnoputri
印尼国会一致通过罢免总统瓦希德后,梅加瓦蒂宣誓就职,成为新一任印尼总统。 Megawati Sukarnoputri was sworn in as Indonesian President yesterday after Parliament voted unanimously to dismiss her predecessor, Abdurrahman Wahid.
百万瓦 megawatt (MW)
美孚 Mei Foo
湄公航空公司 Mekong Airlines
墨尔本 Melbourne
互殴 melee
成员国 member states
人大常委会认为香港终审法院作判决时,没有寻求人大释法是错的。 Members accepted that the court was wrong in not seeking an interpretation from the NPC before its final ruling.
中常委 members of the party‘s central committee
公众人士 members of the public
回忆录 memoir
男性接受教育的机会较少。 Men have fewer education opportunities
修补和反对派的关系 mend relations with opposition figures
修补和内地的关系 mend relations with the mainland
修补裂痕 mend rifts
卑贱的工作 menial jobs
耳髓不平衡(耳水不平衡) Meniere‘s
炎称为 meningitis)meningitis
更年期障碍 menopausal troubles
更年期 menopause (u)/menopausal
月经周期 menstrual cycle
月经不顺 menstrual irregularity
月经/月事 menstruation