由于刘千石拒绝退出前?,其民主党党席遭冻结一年。 Mr Lau‘s party membership was suspended almost a year ago after he refused to quit The Frontier.
李鹏飞是三位最近声称备受压力而辞职的名嘴之一。 Mr Lee is one of three Hong Kong radio hosts to go off the air in recent weeks after claiming that they were under threat.
梁锦松的职务将由经济发展及劳工局局长叶澍暂代。 Mr Leung‘s portfolio will be handled temporarily by Secretary for Economic Development and Labour Stephen Ip Shu-kwan.
李嘉诚表示不认为社会越来越分化。 Mr Li denied that Hong Kong society was becoming more divided.
李国章坚持香港的教育质素不会受影响。 Mr Li insisted the quality of teaching in Hong Kong won‘t be affected.
李嘉诚支持征收销售税,扩阔税基。 Mr Li supported the implementation of a sales tax to help widen the tax base.
一般认为李嘉诚的言论针对吴光正。 Mr Li‘s comments were widely seen as an oblique reference to Mr Woo.
连战和宋楚瑜要求和陈水扁见面,但被拒。 Mr Lien and Mr Soong asked for a meeting with Mr Chen, but have been turned down.
组,调查陈水扁枪击案。 Mr Lien has demanded that
连战质疑为何废票达三十三万张之多。 Mr Lien raised questions about more than 330,000 ballots that allegedly were spoiled.
连战希望推翻选举结果。 Mr Lien wants to challenge the results.
陆先生表示广州的楼价已上升百分之三十,每平方米售价约七、八千元。 Mr Luk said property prices in Guangzhou had risen by 30 per cent, to $7,000 or $8,000 per square metre.
李鹏飞是三位最近声称备受压力而辞职的名嘴之一。 Mr Lee is one of three Hong Kong radio hosts to go off the air in recent weeks after claiming that they were under threat.
梁锦松的职务将由经济发展及劳工局局长叶澍暂代。 Mr Leung‘s portfolio will be handled temporarily by Secretary for Economic Development and Labour Stephen Ip Shu-kwan.
李嘉诚表示不认为社会越来越分化。 Mr Li denied that Hong Kong society was becoming more divided.
李国章坚持香港的教育质素不会受影响。 Mr Li insisted the quality of teaching in Hong Kong won‘t be affected.
李嘉诚支持征收销售税,扩阔税基。 Mr Li supported the implementation of a sales tax to help widen the tax base.
一般认为李嘉诚的言论针对吴光正。 Mr Li‘s comments were widely seen as an oblique reference to Mr Woo.
连战和宋楚瑜要求和陈水扁见面,但被拒。 Mr Lien and Mr Soong asked for a meeting with Mr Chen, but have been turned down.
组,调查陈水扁枪击案。 Mr Lien has demanded that
连战质疑为何废票达三十三万张之多。 Mr Lien raised questions about more than 330,000 ballots that allegedly were spoiled.
连战希望推翻选举结果。 Mr Lien wants to challenge the results.
陆先生表示广州的楼价已上升百分之三十,每平方米售价约七、八千元。 Mr Luk said property prices in Guangzhou had risen by 30 per cent, to $7,000 or $8,000 per square metre.
马力说两党合并并非为了在特首选举中作造王者。 Mr Ma said the parties had not merged just so they could play kingmaker in the selection of a chief executive.
普京把明天和周二定为全国悼念日。 Mr Putin declared tomorrow and Tuesday as days of national mourning.
星期日的大选里,普京得票率近百分之五十三。 Mr Putin won nearly 53 per cent of the vote on Sunday.
苏泽佳预期电盈未来会派息,但不肯断言是甚么时候。 Mr So said PCCW could resume dividend payments in the medium term, but he refused to give a specific time frame.
司徒华于一九八五年循教育界功能组别加入立法局。 Mr Szeto made his debut in Legco through the education functional constituency in 1985.
田北俊相信自己会受惠于朱幼麟的退选,因为两人都有商界背景。 Mr Tien believed he would benefit from the withdrawal because he and Mr Chu shared a business background.
田北俊声明自由党支持董建华连任。 Mr Tien pledged his party‘s support for Mr Tung for a second term.
纵使周梁淑怡(在区议会选举中)败下阵来,田北俊依然重申自由党会参与立法会直选。 Mr Tien reaffirmed the Liberal‘s Party commitment to standing in the Legco direct polls, despite Mrs Chow‘s defeat.
汤家骅位列所谓的「钻石名单」的第三位。该名单包括新界东的七位民主派人士。 Mr Tong was the third-placed candidate on the so-called "diamond list" - an alliance of seven pro-democracy candidates in New Territories East.
上月民建联在区议会选举中惨败,曾钰成为此负上责任。 Mr Tsang bore responsibility for the party‘s disastrous performance in last month‘s district council elections.
曾荫权最出名的往绩是,他在九八年八月亚洲金融风暴时耗资一千二百亿港元入市干预击退大鳄。 Mr Tsang is perhaps best known for his intervention in the stock market in August 1998 when he spent $120 billion fending off speculators during the Asian financial crisis.
曾荫权会接手董建华的职务。 Mr Tsang would assume Mr Tung‘s duties.
董建华亦就维多利亚港填海工程询问他们的意见。 Mr Tung also asked their views on the reclamation of Victoria Harbour.
董建华在过去七年对香港贡献良多。 Mr Tung has made a lot of contributions to Hong Kong during the past seven years.
公众常批评董建华漠视民意。 Mr Tung is frequently criticised for not taking public opinion into account.
董建华很担心沙士会重来。 Mr Tung is quite worried
董建华带领观众和高官默哀一分钟。 Mr Tung led the
董建华拒绝评论他的辞职传闻。 Mr Tung refused to comment on rumours surrounding his resignation.
董建华表示不能一下子全面撤消区议会委任制。 Mr Tung said the District Council appointment system cannot be abandoned suddenly.
董建华将在施政报告中透露更多详情。 Mr Tung will disclose more details in his policy address.
董建华的五年任期将于二千年六月届满。 Mr Tung‘s five-year term ends in June 2000.
董建华国家领导人的身份 Mr Tung‘s national-leader status
董建华的民望在七一游行后跌至谷底。 Mr Tung‘s popularity sank to an all-time low after the July protests.
海协会会长汪道涵 Mr Wang Daohan, chairman of China‘s Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait
温家宝承诺下年取消农业税,比原定计划提早两年。 Mr Wen pledged to abolish agricultural taxes next year, two years ahead of schedule.
吴光正表示不会揣测李嘉诚的言论是否针对他。 Mr Woo said he would not speculate on whether Mr Li‘s remarks were aimed at him.
张先生讲述广东和香港未来二十年的分工。 Mr Zhang also spelled out the division of labour between Guangdong and Hong Kong in the next two decades.
新机场调查委员会主席胡国兴 Mr. Justice Woo Kwok-hing
李柱铭认为选举失利主要是因为党员地区工作做得不够。 Mr. Lee attributed the defeat to insufficient efforts by members at the district level.
朱镕基一番话暗示他忧虑香港政府的能力和威信不足。 Mr. Zhu‘s comments had underlined his concerns about the capability and authority of the SAR Government.