大部分银行今日起提供九成半按揭。 Most Hong Kong banks will today begin offering 95 per cent mortgages.
客人。 Most men here don‘t like
大部分桩柱过短。 Most of the foundation piles were not suck deeply enough.
法。 Most organs for transplant on the
大部分学生不能在原校升读中六。 Most students were not to get into Form Six in their own schools.
最不当的 most unwarranted
把病毒传染他人。 Most victims display
, mother had suffered from diabetes
大自然 Mother Nature
母亲的抉择 Mother‘s Choice
母婴传染 mother-to-foetus
母语教学 mother-tongue teaching
客人。 Most men here don‘t like
大部分桩柱过短。 Most of the foundation piles were not suck deeply enough.
法。 Most organs for transplant on the
大部分学生不能在原校升读中六。 Most students were not to get into Form Six in their own schools.
最不当的 most unwarranted
把病毒传染他人。 Most victims display
, mother had suffered from diabetes
大自然 Mother Nature
母亲的抉择 Mother‘s Choice
母婴传染 mother-to-foetus
母语教学 mother-tongue teaching
母语教学政策 mother-tongue teaching policy/mother-tongue policy
辩论 motion debates
对特首施政报告致谢动议 Motion of Thanks for the Chief Executive‘s Policy Address
引起学生学习的兴趣 motivate students‘ interest in learning
运动区 motor area
运动神经元 motor neurone
车辆首次登记税 motor vehicle first registration tax
驾驶人士/车主 motorist
摩星岭 Mount Davis
检查十五个油站的芥花籽油 mounted checks yesterday on 15 rapeseed oil stations in Tsuen Wan
口 mouth
珠江口 Mouth of Zhu Jiang
漱口水 mouthwash
延迟退休 move back her retirement date
搬屋 move house
把后勤运作移至广州 move its back-office operations to Guangzhou
把部分业务迁往广州运作 moved part of its operations to Guangzhou
将…提交立法会首读 moved the first reading of……
莫桑比克海峡 Mozambique Channel
莫桑比克/莫三鼻给(马普托) Mozambique(Maputo)
赵紫阳仍活着,正在医院接受治疗。 Mr
李先生获准以五千元保释外出,明天再返警署报到。 Mr
陈智思在立法会投票时通常跟随政府路线。 Mr Chan has typically voted with the Hong Kong government on legislative matters.
越来越多地产发展商促请政府停止向两铁供应土地,并要求两铁延迟开售地产发展项目,以刺激日益消沉的楼市。陈启宗只是其中之一。 Mr Chan‘s comments come as an increasing number of developers are urging the government to squeeze land supply for the two railway firms and postpone sales of their projects in a bid to boost the slumping property sector.
联针十四针。 Mr Chen suffered an 11cm
米长的枪伤伤口。 Mr Chen went so far
程介南位列民建联港岛区竞选名单之首。 Mr Cheng leads the DAB ticket in the Hong Kong Island constituency for next month‘s poll.
何鸿燊在周四公开表示支持曾荫权。 Mr Ho openly expressed his support on Thursday for Mr Tsang.
邝其志否认他的离职是基于政治压力。 Mr Kwong denied his departure was due to political pressure.
黎智英声称亲北京对手多年来设法阻碍他的上市计划。 Mr Lai claims Beijing-backed rivals for years stymied his attempt to list on the stock market.