月票 monthly tickets
蒙特利尔 Montreal
情绪病 mood disorder
离岸停泊 moor offshore
建议 mooted
员工士气低落。 Morale among staff is low.
超过四分一的香港人患有高血压。 More
更完善的会所设施 more extensive clubhouse facilities
现在较多香港人已接受北京会不时释法。 More Hong Kong people now accept that interpretations from Beijing will be delivered from time to time.
较热衷赚快钱,他们会在内地复制在其它地方已证明行之有效的投资方式 more interested in making a quick profit by duplicating on the mainland what‘s already proven a safe investment elsewhere
互相多了解 more mutual understanding
未来将会允许更多专才来港。 More overseas talent is likely to be allowed in.
蒙特利尔 Montreal
情绪病 mood disorder
离岸停泊 moor offshore
建议 mooted
员工士气低落。 Morale among staff is low.
超过四分一的香港人患有高血压。 More
更完善的会所设施 more extensive clubhouse facilities
现在较多香港人已接受北京会不时释法。 More Hong Kong people now accept that interpretations from Beijing will be delivered from time to time.
较热衷赚快钱,他们会在内地复制在其它地方已证明行之有效的投资方式 more interested in making a quick profit by duplicating on the mainland what‘s already proven a safe investment elsewhere
互相多了解 more mutual understanding
未来将会允许更多专才来港。 More overseas talent is likely to be allowed in.
将细查更多赛事 more races coming under scrutiny
患有较严重阅读障碍的中国人 more severely dyslexic
盈动成交额逾五十亿元,占港股总成交额三分之一以上。 More than $5 billion worth of Cyberworks shares changed hands, accounting for more than one-third of stock market turnover.
昨日在深圳和广州有超过一万人参与反日示威。 More than 10,000 people marched in anti-Japanese protests in Shenzhen and Guangzhou yesterday.
超过一千名家长排队为子女申请入学(某校)。 More than 1000 parents queued to enrol their children in (a school)。
超过百分之十六的雇员未受强积金计划保障。 More than 16 per cent of workers are not insured by any Mandatory Provident Fund scheme.
超过二千五百名基督徒,系上紫丝带象征希望,咏唱圣咏和祈祷,反对二十三条。 More than 2,500 Christians - all wearing purple ribbons to signify hope - sang hymns and prayed against the proposal.
有超过三十三万张废票。 More than 330,000 ballot papers were declared invalid.
地铁公开招股昨日中午截止申请,共接获五十二万份申请表格。 More than 520,000 applications for shares in the MTR Corporation were returned by the midday deadline yesterday.
超过六成香港人希望有普选。 More than 60 per cent of Hongkongers still desire universal suffrage.
超过七千名具专上教育程度的员工每月赚取少于五千元。 More than 7,000 workers with university degrees made less than $5,000 a month.
消防车。 More than 800 firefighters and police and
周日有超过一百万市民投票,投票率推高至超过百分之四十四。 More than a million people voted on Sunday, pushing the turnout to more than 44 per cent.
摩根士丹利亚洲区主席韦仕华 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Asia chairman John Wadsworth
摩门教 Mormons
孕吐 morning sickness
事后丸 morning-after pill
摩洛哥(拉巴特) Morocco(Rabat)
吗啡 Morphine
死亡率 mortality rate
对大多数单位而言,供楼比租楼还要便宜。 Mortgage repayments would be less than rents paid for most units.
敛房 mortuary/morgue
清真寺 mosque
蚊香 mosquito coils
蚊卵 mosquito eggs
蚊帐 mosquito net
蚊虫滋生的地方 mosquito-breeding places
大部分分析家认为瓦希德会在他二零零四年任期结束前下台。 Most analysts believe Wahid is unlikely to survive politically to the end of his term in 2004.
大部分分析员都预期电盈会把全部收益用作偿还债务。 Most analysts had expected PCCW would use the entire proceeds to repay the company‘s debts.
否则性命堪虞。 Most diagnosed with