说错话 misspoke
情妇、二奶 mistress
挪用保钓运动捐款 misused donations for Diaoyu Island protests
盗用他人计算机户口 misusing computer users‘ accounts
三菱 Mitsubishi
多用途厅 mixed-use hall
多媒体传送服务 MMS (multimedia messaging service)
犯罪活动 mob activities
流动电话客户 mobile customers
手机机壳 mobile phone shells
歹徒 mobster
现代化的新发展区 modernised new development area
情妇、二奶 mistress
挪用保钓运动捐款 misused donations for Diaoyu Island protests
盗用他人计算机户口 misusing computer users‘ accounts
三菱 Mitsubishi
多用途厅 mixed-use hall
多媒体传送服务 MMS (multimedia messaging service)
犯罪活动 mob activities
流动电话客户 mobile customers
手机机壳 mobile phone shells
歹徒 mobster
现代化的新发展区 modernised new development area
显要人物 mogul
穆罕默德 Mohammed
甘地 Mohandas Gandhi
臼齿 molar
摩尔达维亚(基什尼奥夫) Moldavia/Moldova(Kishinev)
发霉的面包 moldy bread
非礼、性骚扰 molest somebody (vt);
调戏 molestation
非礼别人的人 molester
汽油弹 Molotov cocktail
钼 Molybdenum
爹亲娘亲不如毛主席亲,天大地大不如党的恩情大。 Mommy and daddy can‘t compare with Chairman Mao, the greatness of heaven and earth can‘t compare with the great kindess of the Party.
君主 monarch
(男子的)修道院 monastery
洗黑钱 money laundering
利润又高又稳定的商品/摇钱树 money spinner/cash cow
冗员太多,长期亏蚀的国企 money-losing and over-manned state companies
旺角 Mong Kok
蒙古(乌兰巴托) Mongolia(Ulaan Baatar)
监察中国人权状况 monitor China‘s human rights situation
监察政府 monitor the government
监察水质 monitor water quality
监察婴儿的心跳和血压 monitoring the
修道士、僧侣 monk
单糖 monosaccharide
单不饱和脂肪酸 mono-unsaturated fatty acids
零用钱 monthly allowance
家庭每月入息 monthly family income
月费 monthly fee
月结单 monthly statement