对明年总统大选有影响 have an impact on next year‘s presidential election
家里有上网 have an Internet connection at home
有石油危机 have an oil-security problem
令听众不安 have an unsettling effect on the audiences
希望提高地积比率 have asked for higher plot ratios
招收到一万一千名新信徒 have attracted 11,000 new adherents
避免与教会正面冲突 have avoided a head-on clash with the clergy
成为无数珍贵的动植物品种的家园 have become home to numerous rare species of plants and animals
已经成为城中热门话题 have become the talk of the town
多年来最为人所关注/诟病的问题 have been a perennial concern for many years
被派往别区中学 have been allotted schools outside their districts
不准上学 have been barred from attending school
家里有上网 have an Internet connection at home
有石油危机 have an oil-security problem
令听众不安 have an unsettling effect on the audiences
希望提高地积比率 have asked for higher plot ratios
招收到一万一千名新信徒 have attracted 11,000 new adherents
避免与教会正面冲突 have avoided a head-on clash with the clergy
成为无数珍贵的动植物品种的家园 have become home to numerous rare species of plants and animals
已经成为城中热门话题 have become the talk of the town
多年来最为人所关注/诟病的问题 have been a perennial concern for many years
被派往别区中学 have been allotted schools outside their districts
不准上学 have been barred from attending school
几乎绝种 have been driven nearly to extinction
被骗 have been duped
自小学时已是朋友 have been friends since primary school
经禁制令冻结 have been frozen under restraint orders
跨区升中 have been given places outside the districts of their primary schools
经家禽感染病毒 have been infected
被下令禁播张惠妹演出的雪碧广告 have been ordered to stop running a Sprite commercial featuring the singer
下令家居隔离十天 have been ordered to undergo a
中央指责她未有全力支持特首 have been rebuked by Beijing for not giving enough support to Mr Tung
据报近日在伊拉克被掳走 have been reportedly kidnapped in Iraq in recent days
无限期关闭 have been shut indefinitely
股价一直有折让 have been trading at discounts to their net asset values
经敷药后已出院 have been treated and
在立法会得到广泛支持 have broad support in the Legislative Council
要求减电费/要求电力公司减价 have called for tariff reductions/lobby for lower charges
令新闻工作者都深感不安 have caused a lot of anxiety among journalists
已严重损害对香港法治的信心 have caused considerable damage to Hong Kong‘s confidence in the rule of law
已停产 have ceased production
有生化武器库存 have chemical and biological weapons stockpiles
中雪卡毒 have ciguatera poisoning/have
严重违反人权 have committed gross violations of human rights
有共同利益 have common interests
感染该病毒 have contracted the virus
有刑事案底 have criminal records
大幅削减航班班次 have cut back heavily on the frequecny of service
加深民怨 have deepened public grievances against the administration
烧炭致死 have died after burning charcoal
无法排尿 have difficulty initiating a
已尽全力打击恐怖主义 have done the maximum in the fight against terrorism
做了很少的准备工作 have done very little preparatory work