有严重鼻鼾声 has snoring problems
对台湾问题的立场软化 has softened its cross-strait stance
上特殊教育班 has special-education classed
出任高官长达二十年 has spent 20 years in top government posts
停止提供粮食援助 has suspended food aid
已着手修订全国户口制度 has taken steps to revise the nationwide residence permit system
采取严厉措施铲除恐怖主义 has taken stringent measures to root out terrorism
已照料过一万多名爱滋病患者 has tended to more than
感染炭疽菌 has tested positive for anthrax
勇于承担责任 has the courage to take responsibility
有权立法减薪 has the power to legislate a reduction in civil servants‘ pay
进食时易鲠 has trouble swallowing
对台湾问题的立场软化 has softened its cross-strait stance
上特殊教育班 has special-education classed
出任高官长达二十年 has spent 20 years in top government posts
停止提供粮食援助 has suspended food aid
已着手修订全国户口制度 has taken steps to revise the nationwide residence permit system
采取严厉措施铲除恐怖主义 has taken stringent measures to root out terrorism
已照料过一万多名爱滋病患者 has tended to more than
感染炭疽菌 has tested positive for anthrax
勇于承担责任 has the courage to take responsibility
有权立法减薪 has the power to legislate a reduction in civil servants‘ pay
进食时易鲠 has trouble swallowing
在某方面有丰富的经验 has wide experience in something
仍在亏损中 has yet to enter the black
脆薯饼 Hash Browns
十一年来没有固定工作 hasn‘t had a steady job in 11 years
(有线)有多达五十二万用户 have a big subscription base of over 520,000 households
合作愉快 have a cordial working relationship
有助纾缓交通挤塞 have a deterrent effect on congestion
有博士学位 have a doctorate
发烧/发热 have a fever/have a
执行世代交替 have a generation change
对青少年心智构成不良影响 have a harmful influence on the young mind
(桥)主跨度达一千米 have a kilometre-long main span
对楼市影响温和 have a moderating effect on the property market
(家庭)月入七千元或以下 have a monthly income of $7000 or less
更愿意捐赠器官 have a more open attitude towards
爱储钱 have a propensity to save
有户口 have a residency permit
有较好的音乐感 have a stronger musical sense
有一年宽限期 have a year‘s grace
每年做直肠检查 have a yearly rectal
有四百二十员工,本地和内陆各占一半 have about 420 staff divided equally between Hong Kong and mainland
绝对拥有编辑自主权 have absolute editorial independence
已配备更精良的武器 have acquired more sophisticated weapons
全都成为负资产业主 have all been sucked into the negative equity pit
已于上月的区议会选举中表达对政府的不满 have already voiced their discontent with the government in last month‘s district council elections
亦保证会给予港台编辑自由/编辑自主 have also given assurances of our editorial independence
罹患不治之症、身患绝症 have an
进行每年一次的身体检查 have an annual
对政治反感 have an aversion to politics
验眼 have an eye exam