决定下重药/落重药 has decided on drastic action
走动有困难 has difficult walking
患有早期乳癌 has early-stage breast cancer
遇过同样作案手法 has encountered this modus
处决了十六名「重犯」 has executed 16
近年淡出政坛 has faded from the political scene in recent years
刚正式访问完中国 has finished an official visit to the mainland
引起大众关注 has focused attention on the problem
近年专注内地业务 has focused his business on the mainland in recent years
为台湾人提供免签证优惠 has granted Taiwanese visa-free privileges
和所有邻国都有过领土纠纷 has had territorial disputes with every one of its neighours
持有现金六十亿元 has HK$6 billion in cash on hand
走动有困难 has difficult walking
患有早期乳癌 has early-stage breast cancer
遇过同样作案手法 has encountered this modus
处决了十六名「重犯」 has executed 16
近年淡出政坛 has faded from the political scene in recent years
刚正式访问完中国 has finished an official visit to the mainland
引起大众关注 has focused attention on the problem
近年专注内地业务 has focused his business on the mainland in recent years
为台湾人提供免签证优惠 has granted Taiwanese visa-free privileges
和所有邻国都有过领土纠纷 has had territorial disputes with every one of its neighours
持有现金六十亿元 has HK$6 billion in cash on hand
在国际社会中孤立台湾 has isolated Taiwan in the world community
已展开西部大开发计划 has kicked off its Go West project
最近民望急速下降 has lately seen his popularity plunge with dizzying speed
自八八年起流亡海外,在法国定居 has lived in exile in France since 1988
入行二十二年共拍了超过百二部电影 has logged more than 120 films in 22 years in the business
长期保持低调 has long maintained a low profile
已失去方向 has lost direction
具有药性 has medicinal properties
没有复原希望 has no hope of recovery
没有性欲 has no libido
无安全卷标 has no safety labels
在深圳进行旋风式访问 has paid a whirlwind visit to Shenzhen
一直密切留意事态发展 has paid close attention to the development of the situation
已度过最艰难时期,明年情况将会好转 has passed the most difficult period and could see a turnaround this year???
承诺会继续和雇主对话 has pledged to continue the dialogue with employers
已承诺来年会咨询公众 has promised public consultation next year
受到很多西方国家谴责 has provoked condemnation from many Western countries
全力支持亲政府候选人 has pulled out all the stops in supporting pro-government candidates
进一步推动台湾自决 has pushed self-determination for Taiwan still further
令宋楚瑜民望下降 has put a dent in public support for Mr Soong
令人忧虑再有释法 has raised fears that another interpretation of the Basic Law is in the offing
收到恐吓信 has received a threatening letter
拒绝辞去立法会议员职位 has refused to resign from Legislative Council
重获自由 has regained his freedom
(对某事)有保留 has reservation
已得到立法会支持 has secured the Legislative Council‘s support
派心理医生辅导师生 has sent psychiatrists to
令业界震撼 has sent shockwaves through the industry
大发脾气 has severe temper tantrum
自此以后在政府里步步高升 has since worked his way up the bureaucratic ladder