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香港新闻工作者从业词典    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
余生终年都要服食药物    had to be on medication for

要由消防员救出    had to be rescued by firemen/had to

需要收回很多新界土地    had to resume many rural lands

平均要等六至八年才有肾脏可供移植    had to wait six to

受过神风特训    had trained as a kamikaze pilot

以信托形式把股票转让给政党    had transferred his shares to the party as a trustee

已改变政治气候    had transformed the political climate

有黑社会背景    had triad backgrounds

曾企图食安眠药自杀    had tried killing himself with

两只手指须动手术切除    had two fingers

拘捕时使用武力    had used force during the arrest

赢得未来三季(超联)的独家播影权    had won the rights to show matches for the next three seasons

全副武装    had worn a lot of protective

有自杀倾向    had/with suicidal tendencies

血红素/血红蛋白    haemoglobin

回教中对能够背诵全本可兰经的信徒的尊称    hafiz

海防    Haifong(Vietnam)

海南岛    Hainan

海南岛龙虾    Hainan Dao Lobster

头发    hair

毛囊    hair follicle

牙带    Hairtail

海地(太子港)    Haiti(Port-au-Prince)

本港一半旅行社正在亏蚀。    Half of the SAR‘s travel agencies are running at a loss.

半裸的孩童    half-naked children

中途宿舍    half-way houses

迷幻剂    hallucinogens

防止火势蔓延    halt the fire‘s spread

停止核武扩散    halt the spread of nuclear weapons

不再提供非紧急医疗服务    halting

汉堡    Hamburg

汉堡包    Hamburger

设法找个办法    hammer out a mechanism

(宠物)仓鼠    hamster

仓鼠    hamsters

手    hand

向特首董建华递交请愿信    hand a petition letter to Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa

手提行李    hand luggage

交出拉登    hand over Bin Laden

将调查结果交给(某部门)    hand the findings to somebody

传单    hand-bills/leaflets

以手铐反锁在椅上    handcuffed him to a chair

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