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香港新闻工作者从业词典    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
从不浏览不雅网页/色情网页    had never accessed obscene or indecent Web sites

立法会议员绝不会通过    had no chance of getting the blessing of legislators

没有精神问题纪录    had no history of psychiatric

没有身份证    had no identity card

无意成为特首/无意角逐特首一职    had no intention of becoming chief executive

无意参选    had no intention of standing

无意展开军事竞赛    had no intention of starting an arms race

本身和署理特首没有过节    had no personal grudge against the acting chief executive

不打算裁减人手    had no plans to trim staff

未能减轻她对失业的忧虑/仍然担心失业    had not allayed her fears about unemployment

未有向警方申请,但已在二十四小时前知会警方    had not applied for a licence but had given police 24 hours‘ notice???

没有受停电影响    had not been affected by the outage

最近没有上学    had not been attending school recently

出现断层    had not planned a successor

与苏联达成核武协议    had nuclear agreements with the Soviet Union

过饱    had overeatened

本月共进行三次肝脏移植手术    had performed three

臀部被淋上电油    had petrol poured on to his buttocks

无法偿还银行贷款    had problems repaying its bank loans

为四家学校共十二名学生提供一对一辅导    had provided one-to-one support for 12 students at four schools

增加了营商成本    had raised the cost of doing business

收到死亡恐吓    had received death threats

过去五年只曾加薪一次    had received just one pay rise in the past five years

在过去数周收到很多恐吓    had received many threats in past weeks

已看完所有最新的韩剧    had seen all the latest South Korean soaps

挟持数名人质    had seized several hostages

脚上联了几针    had several stitches in

在石油开采和生产技术方面有优势    had some advantages in its oil exploration and production technologies

有眼疾    had some trouble with his eyes

曾多次寻求社工及警方协助    had sought help from social workers and the police numerous times

已爆发/扩散到社区    had spread to the

只读到中二    had studied only to the second year of secondary school

出价都很吸引    had submitted very competitive bids

持续发烧及咳嗽    had suffered persistent

曾想过自杀    had suicidal thoughts

(某地区)灾情最严重    had sustained the heaviest

突然转弯,避开另一位正在横过马路的长者    had swerved

有抑郁症病征    had symptoms of depression

对香港的政党政治抱负面态度    had taken a negative attitude towards party politics in Hong Kong

在非常友好和开诚布公的气氛下进行    had taken place in an exceedingly cordial and open atmosphere

食错食物    had taken some wrong food

以胶纸封嘴    had their mouths taped shut

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