中华煤气公布投资8亿元,进军电子商贸,成为首个香港公用股拓展有关市场。 Hong Kong and China Gas (Towngas) has unveiled an $800 million plan to diversify into Internet-related businesses, making it the first utility stock in Hong Kong to move into the sector.
香港艺术中心 Hong Kong Arts Centre
香港艺术发展局 Hong Kong Arts Development Council
香港艺术节 Hong Kong Arts Festival
香港肥胖医学会 Hong Kong Association
香港银行公会 Hong Kong Association of Banks
香港聋人协进会 Hong Kong Association of the Deaf
香港哮喘会 Hong Kong Asthma Society
香港辅助警察队 Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force
香港浸会大学(浸大) Hong Kong Baptist University
香港书展 Hong Kong Books Festival
世界自然(香港)基金会 Hong Kong branch of the World Wide Fund for Nature
香港艺术中心 Hong Kong Arts Centre
香港艺术发展局 Hong Kong Arts Development Council
香港艺术节 Hong Kong Arts Festival
香港肥胖医学会 Hong Kong Association
香港银行公会 Hong Kong Association of Banks
香港聋人协进会 Hong Kong Association of the Deaf
香港哮喘会 Hong Kong Asthma Society
香港辅助警察队 Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force
香港浸会大学(浸大) Hong Kong Baptist University
香港书展 Hong Kong Books Festival
世界自然(香港)基金会 Hong Kong branch of the World Wide Fund for Nature
佛教医院 Hong Kong Buddhist Hospital
公教婚姻辅导会 Hong Kong Catholic
香港牛羊屠业商会 Hong Kong Cattle Slaughter Trade Association
港中医院 Hong Kong Central Hospital
香港中国企业协会 Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association
香港中乐团 Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
香港爱滋病服务机构联盟社 Hong Kong Coalition of
香港妇产科学院 Hong Kong College of
今日,香港是珠三角的最大投资者。广东省约百分之七十的外资来自香港,总额达八百多亿美元。 Hong Kong companies today are the biggest investors in the Pearl River Delta, accounting for more than $80 billion, about 70%, of Guangdong‘s total foreign investment.
香港计算机保安事故协调中心 Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Co-ordination Centre
香港建造业总工会 Hong Kong Construction Industry Employees General Union
香港学术评审局 Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation
香港社会服务联会 Hong Kong Council of Social Service
香港吸烟与健康委员会 Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health
香港文化中心 Hong Kong Cultural Centre
新报行政总裁兼社长徐少骅 Hong Kong Daily News chief executive officer and publisher
香港舞蹈团 Hong Kong Dance Company
香港民主发展网络 Hong Kong Democratic Development Network
香港牙医学会 Hong Kong Dental
香港发展论坛 Hong Kong Development Forum
香港教区 Hong Kong diocese
港元存折储蓄户口 Hong Kong Dollar Passbook Savings accounts
香港域名注册有限公司 Hong Kong Domain Name Registration Company Limited
香港国际龙舟邀请赛 Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival - International Races
香港进食失调中心 Hong Kong Eating Disorders Center
香港经济日报 Hong Kong Economic Daily
信报 Hong Kong Economic Journal
信报财经月刊 Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly
香港的政制发展进入新纪元。董建华昨日公布全新管治班子,承诺政府会更开放、更开明和更进取。 Hong Kong entered a new era of political development yesterday as Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa unveiled his new cabinet with a pledge to lead a more open, enlightened and progressive government.
香港正续渐演变成知识型社会。 Hong Kong evolves into an increasingly knowledge-based economy.