(在议会里)占有些微优势 holds a razor-thin majority
长者度假中心 Holiday Centre for the Elderly
度假胜地 holiday paradise
到外地度假者 holidaymakers
手枪皮套 holster
民政事务局 Home Affairs Bureau
民政事务总署 Home Affairs Department
长者家居照顾服务 home care services for the elderly
家务助理服务 Home Help Service
家务助理队 home help teams
居者有其屋计划 Home Ownership Scheme
首页/主页 home page
长者度假中心 Holiday Centre for the Elderly
度假胜地 holiday paradise
到外地度假者 holidaymakers
手枪皮套 holster
民政事务局 Home Affairs Bureau
民政事务总署 Home Affairs Department
长者家居照顾服务 home care services for the elderly
家务助理服务 Home Help Service
家务助理队 home help teams
居者有其屋计划 Home Ownership Scheme
首页/主页 home page
自置居所贷款计划 Home Purchase Loan Scheme
首次置业贷款计划 Home Starter Loan Scheme
业主 home-buyers/home owners
无家可归的人 homeless people
土制枪械 homemade firearms
自制虾酱 homemade shrimp paste
负资产业主 homeowners in negative equity/home-buyers stuck in the negative-equity pit/home owners whose homes are worth less than they paid for them
安老院 homes for the aged/residential care homes for the elderly
回乡证 home-visit permit
命案 homicide case
布道 homily
同性恋 homosexual/homosexuality
本田 Honda
洪都拉斯(特古西加尔巴) Honduras(Tegucigalpa)
香港的非典型肺炎疫情已稳定下来。 Hong
香港也要连续二十日没有新症,旅游警告才会撤销。 Hong
香港人每日食用十万只鲜鸡,其中七成由内地进口。 Hong
香港 Hong Kong
香港特殊学习障碍协会 Hong Kong
香港的自杀率在全球数一数二。 Hong Kong
港九小轮 Hong Kong & Kowloon Ferry (HKKF)
香港演艺学院 Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
香港医学专科学院 Hong Kong Academy of
港安医院 Hong Kong Adventist Hospital
港事顾问 Hong Kong Affairs Adviser
香港空运货站 Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Ltd. (HACTL)
香港飞机工程有限公司 Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Co (HAECO)
支联会 Hong Kong Alliance in Support of the Patriotic Democratic Movement in China
香港亦决定减少财赤。 Hong Kong also planned to reduce the size of the fiscal deficit.
日圆兑美元汇价创三年新低,迫近一美元兑一百三十五日圆的重要心理关口。香港和中国政府促请日本政府正视日圆贬值问题。 Hong Kong and Beijing have urged Tokyo to tackle the yen‘s slide against the US dollar after the Japanese currency hit a three-year low and threatened to test the psychologically important barrier of 135.