路政署 Highways Department
光通信主席重田康光 Hikari Tsushin president Yasumitsu Shigeta
山火 hillfires/bush fires
喜马拉雅山 Himalayas
阻碍救援工作 hinder aid operations
影响升职机会 hindered their career prospects
印度教 Hinduism
跟上潮流的 hip
球窝关节 hip joint
臀部/屁股/髋 hip/buttock
海马丘 hippocampus
平假名 hiragana
光通信主席重田康光 Hikari Tsushin president Yasumitsu Shigeta
山火 hillfires/bush fires
喜马拉雅山 Himalayas
阻碍救援工作 hinder aid operations
影响升职机会 hindered their career prospects
印度教 Hinduism
跟上潮流的 hip
球窝关节 hip joint
臀部/屁股/髋 hip/buttock
海马丘 hippocampus
平假名 hiragana
西贡公路 Hirams Highway
从保险相关行业聘请专才 hire some highly qualified specialists in insurance-related disciplines
聘请私家侦探调查这宗婚外情 hired a private
长时间才能达成,不是他想象中容易。 His
昨晚他的情况由危殆转为严重。 His
他钦点的接班人 his anointed successor
他最大的遗憾是未能完成第二任任期。 His biggest regret was not being able to finish the second term.
他的情况由严重转为危殆。 His condition
屈打成招 His confession was extracted under torture.
他的罪行不只影响受害者家属和亲戚,更将我国和邻国置于极度恐惧中。 His crimes not only affected families and relatives of the victims but also threw our country and neighbouring countries into extreme fear.
他的家人被下令隔离十日。 His family
男童失踪,家人报警。 His family
他的家庭成员 his family members
他上任后的首份施政报告 his first report on the work of the government
他的短暂从政 his foray into politics
他共敛财四千一百万元人民币,全部贿款都存在海外银行。 His gains totalled 41 million yuan , all of which was deposited in overseas banks.
干预大学自主 his interference with university autonomy
他的手法很残酷。 His methods are very
他的仕途并非一帆风顺。 His political career was not all plain sailing.
他的民望依然是众高官中最低的。 His popularity rating remains among the lowest of any government minister.
偷步买车 his purchase of a luxury car weeks before he raised taxes on vehicles
拒绝接受梁锦松的请辞 his refusal to accept Mr Leung‘s offer of resignation
他向上爬的过程 his rise through the ranks
凭着他摇滚歌星的发型和六块腹肌,他获聘为安利及博士伦的代言人。 His rock-star mane and six-pack abs have helped cast him as a pitchman for Amway and Bausch & Lomb.
他目前的女友 his romantic link of the
他和某人的私通 his sexual liaisons with somebody
他的任期到二千年六月底届满。 His term expires at the end of June 2002.
他的妻子和癌症抟斗三年后辞世。 His wife died after
历史性首航 historic first flight
历史建筑物 historical buildings