她丈夫被裁定一项教唆罪成。 Her husband was found guilty of aiding and abetting the offence.
在一个胶袋里发现她的内脏。 Her internal organs were found dumped in a plastic bag.
她的学校社工 her school social welfare worker
她说完后,学生齐嘘,并且即场举手投票。绝大部分学生反对立法。 Her words were made to seem all the more empty when jeering students at the forum overwhelmingly voted against the proposed laws with an impromptu show of hands.
预示…的来临 herald (vt); The talks herald a new era in East-West relations./These talks could herald a new era of peace
伊斯兰教中的异端 heretical branch of Islam
疝气 hernia
海洛英 Heroin
泡疹 herpes
异性恋 heterosexual/heterosexuality
乡议局 Heung Yee Kuk
惠普 Hewlett-Packard
在一个胶袋里发现她的内脏。 Her internal organs were found dumped in a plastic bag.
她的学校社工 her school social welfare worker
她说完后,学生齐嘘,并且即场举手投票。绝大部分学生反对立法。 Her words were made to seem all the more empty when jeering students at the forum overwhelmingly voted against the proposed laws with an impromptu show of hands.
预示…的来临 herald (vt); The talks herald a new era in East-West relations./These talks could herald a new era of peace
伊斯兰教中的异端 heretical branch of Islam
疝气 hernia
海洛英 Heroin
泡疹 herpes
异性恋 heterosexual/heterosexuality
乡议局 Heung Yee Kuk
惠普 Hewlett-Packard
短暂的耽搁、中断 hiccup
隐形杀手 hidden killer
隐瞒事实/隐瞒真相 hide the truth
高新技术 high and new technology
楼底高 high ceilings
高尚住宅区 high class residential development
老鼠斑 High Fin Grouper
万宜水库 High Island Reservoir
高收入女性 high-earning women
特别照顾补助金 Higher Care Supplements
加息影响购买力。 Higher rates hamper buying power.
高纤维谷物 high-fiber cereal
高层单位 high-floor apartments/high-floor units
高压政策/高压手段 high-handed policy
高度传染 highly contagious
受过高等教育的专业人士 highly educated professionals
高度濒危 highly endangered
负债率高的盈科数码动力 highly indebted Pacific Century CyberWorks
政府高官 highly placed members of the administration
高度加工食品 highly processed foods
高薪工作 high-paying job
知名民运人士 high-profile activists
优质节目、高质素节目 high-quality programmes
多层楼宇 high-rise blocks/tower block
高楼大厦 high-rise buildings
高危地方 high-risk areas
高速光纤电缆 high-speed optical-fibre cable
高科技仪器 high-tech equipment
高温煮食 high-temperature cooking
高用量用户 high-volume user