卫生督察 health inspectors
卫生官员 health officials
颐康保障户口 health protection
卫生服务界 Health Services
卫生福利及食物局 Health, Welfare and Food Bureau
医疗融资 health-care finance
保健政策 health-care policy
注重健康 health-conscious
「康健乐颐年」运动 Healthy Aging Campaign
健康信息资源中心 Healthy Information Resource Centre
听到枪声 heard the gunshot/heard gunfire
助听器 hearing aids
卫生官员 health officials
颐康保障户口 health protection
卫生服务界 Health Services
卫生福利及食物局 Health, Welfare and Food Bureau
医疗融资 health-care finance
保健政策 health-care policy
注重健康 health-conscious
「康健乐颐年」运动 Healthy Aging Campaign
健康信息资源中心 Healthy Information Resource Centre
听到枪声 heard the gunshot/heard gunfire
助听器 hearing aids
心脏 heart
心脏病 heart attack
心不全 heart failure
心瓣 heart valve
热浪 heat wave
天堂 Heaven
倚重半导体工业 heavily dependent on the semi-conductor industry
污染严重 heavily polluted
重型货车 heavy trucks
巨子、巨头 heavyweight
刺猬 hedgehog
留意改革派的需求 heed calls for reform
脚跟/踵 heel
协康会 Heep Hong Society for
霸权主义 hegemonism
喜灵洲 Hei Ling Chau
喜灵洲戒毒所 Hei Ling Chau Addition Treatment Centre
楼底 height ceiling
加强保安措施 heighten security measures
提醒公众注意歧视的不良后果 heightening awareness of the harmful effects of discrimination
黑龙江 Heilongjiang
极可耻 heinousness/heinous; a heinous
后嗣 heir
展开闭门内部聆讯 held a closed-door
在赤?角机场举行记者招待会 held a press conference at Chek Lap Kok airport
坚持下葬时身体完好无缺(所以不愿捐器官) held about
和官员坦诚相见 held frank discussions with officials
举行首次公开展览 held his first public exhibitions
是富亚的大股东 held majority shares in Asia Ford
举行大规模造势大会 held mass rallies