他强烈批评民主党人士倒董立场模糊。 He strongly criticised the democrats for being ambiguous over the anti-Tung issue.
接着他就引火自焚变成火球。 He then lit
他在宣判后跟记者说 he told reporters after the ruling
他向委员会表示他的预算案要在三月前交给财政司司长,以包括在财政预算案之内。 He told the panel his proposals would need approving in time for their inclusion in Henry Tang Ying-yen‘s budget, which the financial secretary will deliver in March.
他认识和尊重立法会的运作。 He understands and respects Legco operations.
他促请香港人透过所有可能渠道表达民主诉求,包括上街游行、签名运动和向政府的政制改革专责小组递信。 He urged Hongkongers to express their democratic aspirations through all possible means, including street demonstrations, signature campaigns and letters to the government taskforce on reform.
他促请中国政府和香港政府二十四小时开放落马洲边境所有关卡,以加快货物运输速度。 He urged the mainland and Hong Kong government to open all counters at the Lok Ma Chau border for 24 hours to speed the flow of goods.
疫情已受控制。 He warned the virus
他警告这样做可能会带来反效果,为该党带来同情票。 He warned this might backfire and invite sympathy for the party.
用「人肉打桩机」方式把他(陆志伟)倒头撞地。 He was
他关注广东的能源短缺及干旱问题。 He was concerned about the energy shortage and drought in Guangdong.
香港政府拒绝向他发出签证。 He was denied a visa by the Hong Kong government.
接着他就引火自焚变成火球。 He then lit
他在宣判后跟记者说 he told reporters after the ruling
他向委员会表示他的预算案要在三月前交给财政司司长,以包括在财政预算案之内。 He told the panel his proposals would need approving in time for their inclusion in Henry Tang Ying-yen‘s budget, which the financial secretary will deliver in March.
他认识和尊重立法会的运作。 He understands and respects Legco operations.
他促请香港人透过所有可能渠道表达民主诉求,包括上街游行、签名运动和向政府的政制改革专责小组递信。 He urged Hongkongers to express their democratic aspirations through all possible means, including street demonstrations, signature campaigns and letters to the government taskforce on reform.
他促请中国政府和香港政府二十四小时开放落马洲边境所有关卡,以加快货物运输速度。 He urged the mainland and Hong Kong government to open all counters at the Lok Ma Chau border for 24 hours to speed the flow of goods.
疫情已受控制。 He warned the virus
他警告这样做可能会带来反效果,为该党带来同情票。 He warned this might backfire and invite sympathy for the party.
用「人肉打桩机」方式把他(陆志伟)倒头撞地。 He was
他关注广东的能源短缺及干旱问题。 He was concerned about the energy shortage and drought in Guangdong.
香港政府拒绝向他发出签证。 He was denied a visa by the Hong Kong government.
对不会恢复定期卖地感到失望。 He was disappointed that regular auctions were not resumed.
他原定(来港)参与学术活动。 He was due to participate in academic activities.
他被选为全国政协副主席。 He was elected a vice-chairman of the CPPCC.
他由警员合力制服。 He was subdued by police.
他永远无法忘掉被捕后的惶恐 he will never forget the
他不会陪跑。 He won‘t be running if he‘s just accompanying the others.
他表示实施合并时会「先礼后兵」 he would be a "gentleman first and a soldier later" in its implementation
他不排除来年立法会选举后再度担任行政会议成员。 He would not rule out being appointed to Exco again after the Legco elections next year.
他曾每天赤脚走路到七公里远的学校去上学。 He‘d walked barefoot seven kilometres to school every day.
时,可是力大无穷。 He‘s a little skinny guy, but
麻醉药仍未过。 He‘s still under the
头 head
头虱 head lice
中央政策组首席顾问刘兆佳 Head of Central Policy Unit Lau Siu-kai
海基会董事长辜振甫 Head of Taiwan‘s Straits Exchange Foundation Koo Chen-fu
南韩国家情报局局长李钟赞 Head of the National Intelligence Service Lee Jong-chan
中共中央组织部部长曾庆红 head of the party‘s Organisation Department Zeng Qinghong
香港执业药剂师协会主席庞爱兰 Head of the Practising
扑头党 head-basher
物色人材 headhunting
无头尸体 headless corpse
头条日报 Headline Daily
迎面相撞 head-on collision; is involved in a
在港岛区名单居首,该名单共有三名候选人 heads a three-member list in Hong Kong Island
为十八万公仆之首 heads the 180,000-strong Civil Service
改善二十三条辩论引致的社会分化 heal the rift that the debate has sowed in the community
医疗卫生政策 health care policies
医疗制度 health care system
卫生专家 health experts
添加营养食品 health food enriched with