已采取预防措施 have taken preventive
采取了一些预防措施 have taken some
造成损失 have taken their toll
有权选择在何处配药 have the right to
必须遵守本地法律 have to comply with local laws
因收生不足而要缩班 have to cut classes due to falling enrolment
要留堂 have to go to detention
揭发自一九四九年以来最大宗金融丑闻 have uncovered the biggest financial scandal since 1949
(事业上)走过一条漫长和崎岖的路 have walked a long and winding road
没有尽力根除阿盖达组织和塔利班政权 haven‘t done enough to root out al-Qaeda and the Taliban
未婚产子/未婚怀孕 having a baby out of
持有假护照 having a bogus passport/having a forged passport
采取了一些预防措施 have taken some
造成损失 have taken their toll
有权选择在何处配药 have the right to
必须遵守本地法律 have to comply with local laws
因收生不足而要缩班 have to cut classes due to falling enrolment
要留堂 have to go to detention
揭发自一九四九年以来最大宗金融丑闻 have uncovered the biggest financial scandal since 1949
(事业上)走过一条漫长和崎岖的路 have walked a long and winding road
没有尽力根除阿盖达组织和塔利班政权 haven‘t done enough to root out al-Qaeda and the Taliban
未婚产子/未婚怀孕 having a baby out of
持有假护照 having a bogus passport/having a forged passport
权责不清 having a confused mandate
负债高 having a high debt level
和同事展开三角恋 having affair with someone from
血糖过高 having blood glucose levels
性生活随便 having casual sex
没有指定继任人 having indicated no preferred successor
公共开支过份膨胀并长期高于经济增长率,已背离香港一向倡导的小政府原则。 Having public spending consistently exceeding the rate of economic growth is a departure from the principle of small government we have always promoted.
(服后)勃起较慢和有偏头痛 having slow erections
在竞选期间比民建联对手占上风 having the upper hand over his DAB rival during the campaign
做第一次产前检查 having their first
夏威夷岛 Hawaii Island
非法摆卖 hawk without a licence
小贩管理队 hawker control forces
鹰派作风 hawkishness
花粉热 hay fever
家用危险化学品 hazardous household chemicals
有害废物 hazardous waste
他在她的舌头上和生殖器周围找到爱滋病的病征。 He
他承认有发生性行为,但坚持是两厢情愿的。 He
他指立法会议员在媒体面前「做骚」。 He accused legislators of grandstanding for the media.
他补充说民建联会检讨未来的路向,但不会改变党的政治立场。 He added that the DAB would review its way forward but would not change its political stance.
在判词中,他肯定了立法减薪的做法。立法减薪引起极大争议,曾激起三万名公务员上街示威。 He also held that the controversial use of legislation to enforce the cut - a factor which led around 30,000 civil servants to take to the streets - was valid.
他表示未来一周会公布刺激楼市的新措施。 He also said new measures to stimulate the property market would be announced within a week.
他早出世了六日。 He arrived six days earlier than
长只有小学或初中程度。 He attributed the rate to
他开始失眠。 He began losing sleep.
他到当地的一家医院求诊。 He checked
他只能进食流质食物。 He could take
他拒绝估计自己明年在立法会选举中的胜算。 He declined to anticipate his chance of winning a seat in next year‘s Legco elections.
他拒绝评论自己是否问责制的牺牲品。 He declined to say whether he had become a victim under the accountability system.