停售居屋十个月 freeze sales of Home Ownership scheme flats for 10 months
因经济衰退冻结收费 freeze tariffs because of the economic downturn
冷冻柜、冰柜 freezer
停止卖地/暂停卖地 freezing land sales
炸薯条 French Fries
法国矿泉水 French mineral water
法国总统希拉克 French President Jacques Chirac
激烈竞投 frenetic bidding
飞行奖赏 frequent flyer points
令口气清新 freshen breath
新鲜出炉 fresh-from-the-oven
鲜鸡 freshly-slaughtered poultry
因经济衰退冻结收费 freeze tariffs because of the economic downturn
冷冻柜、冰柜 freezer
停止卖地/暂停卖地 freezing land sales
炸薯条 French Fries
法国矿泉水 French mineral water
法国总统希拉克 French President Jacques Chirac
激烈竞投 frenetic bidding
飞行奖赏 frequent flyer points
令口气清新 freshen breath
新鲜出炉 fresh-from-the-oven
鲜鸡 freshly-slaughtered poultry
桂花鱼 Freshwater Grouper
美国股市周五创下单日最大跌幅纪录。杜指下挫六百一十七点七八,跌幅达百分之五点六六,收报一万三百零五点七七。近期股价上升的金融股股价打回原形。 Friday saw record-breaking point drops on the three US indices, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average down 617.78 points, or 5.66 per cent, to 10,305.77, as financial stocks lost all their recent gains.
炸鸡翼 fried chicken wing
(误为)友火(所伤) friendly fire
地球之友 Friends of the Earth
(老师)恐吓儿子时没有顾及儿子感受 frightening her son without considering his feelings
严寒疾风 frigid blasts
艺穗会 Fringe Club
封面 front cover
客厅 front room
前线医生联盟 Frontline Doctors‘ Union
前线医护人员 frontline medical workers
前线员工 frontline officers/frontline
前线警员士气 frontline police morale
前线记者 front-line reporters
前线社工 frontline social workers
头条独家报导 front-page scoops
领先的候选人 frontrunner
冻伤 frostbite
冻伤了的手指 frostbitten fingers
在路上冻死 froze to death on the way
果糖 fructose
水果挞 fruit tarts
水果主义 fruitarianism
徒劳的 fruitless
生果金 fruit-money payments
果皮箱 fruit-rind boxes
富山火葬场 Fu Shan Crematorium
富山公众殓房 Fu Shan Public Mortuary
富邦更打算进军中国保险市场。 Fubon also has plans to take on the Chinese insurance market.