鼓励炒风 fuel speculation
燃油附加费 fuel surcharges
逃犯 fugitives
富士山 Fuji-san
符合纽约和香港的上市条例 fulfil listing rules in New York and Hong Kong
履行竞选承诺 fulfil my campaign promise
履行社会责任 fulfil our social responsibility
屡行责任 fulfill one‘s obligation
屡行做某事的诺言 fulfill one‘s promise to do something
全面开放固网市场 full liberalisation of the fixed-line market
充满生命力 full of vitality
全面贯彻「三个代表」重要思想, fully implement the important thought of Three Representatives,
燃油附加费 fuel surcharges
逃犯 fugitives
富士山 Fuji-san
符合纽约和香港的上市条例 fulfil listing rules in New York and Hong Kong
履行竞选承诺 fulfil my campaign promise
履行社会责任 fulfil our social responsibility
屡行责任 fulfill one‘s obligation
屡行做某事的诺言 fulfill one‘s promise to do something
全面开放固网市场 full liberalisation of the fixed-line market
充满生命力 full of vitality
全面贯彻「三个代表」重要思想, fully implement the important thought of Three Representatives,
灭虫、灭蚊 fumigation
功能组别 Functional constituencies
功能组别议员 functional constituency members
资助医学研究 fund medical research
基本人权 fundamental human rights
综合了以下因素才决定削资 funding cut was a result of factors including……
首期 funding for the first instalment
筹款活动 fund-raising event
筹款目标 fund-raising target
安所弥撒 funeral Mass
凤凰山 Fung Wong Shan/Lantau Peak
冯尧敬医院 Fung Yiu King Hospital
富强胡同 Fuqiang Lane
皮草是奢侈品。 Fur is a luxury item.
家具、家俬 furniture
家具店、家俬铺 furniture shop
进一步裁员将令员工原本已很吃力的工作百上加斤,影响员工士气。 Further downsizing will greatly increase the staff‘s already heavy workload and affect morale.
宣告选举无效的进一步法律行动 further legal action aimed at an annulment of the election
加剧人手不足问题 further strain
执业时持续深造 further their education
福州 Fuzhou
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