独居长者/独居老人 elderly people living on their own
维园阿伯 elderly pro-mainlanders in Victoria Park
长者服务单位 elderly service units
安老服务/老人服务 elderly services
长幼有序 elders and juniors each in their places
普选特首和所有立法会议席 elect the chief executive and the entire legislature by universal suffrage
由比例代表制选出 elected by proportional representation
香港的民选代表 elected representatives of Hong Kong
政府建议容许候选人在电视和电台卖选举广告。 Election advertisements would be allowed on television and radio for the first time, under a government proposal.
竞选经费 election campaign expenses
选举委员会 Election Committee
选举开支 election expenses
维园阿伯 elderly pro-mainlanders in Victoria Park
长者服务单位 elderly service units
安老服务/老人服务 elderly services
长幼有序 elders and juniors each in their places
普选特首和所有立法会议席 elect the chief executive and the entire legislature by universal suffrage
由比例代表制选出 elected by proportional representation
香港的民选代表 elected representatives of Hong Kong
政府建议容许候选人在电视和电台卖选举广告。 Election advertisements would be allowed on television and radio for the first time, under a government proposal.
竞选经费 election campaign expenses
选举委员会 Election Committee
选举开支 election expenses
选举论坛 election forums
选举官员 election officials
选举策略 election strategy
选举管理委员会 Electoral Affairs Commission
选举安排 electoral arrangements
选举人票 electoral college votes
电椅 electric chair
机电工程署 Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
电器/家庭电器 electrical appliances/household appliances
电费关注组 Electricity Consumer Concern
电子图书 electronic book/e-book
电子卡/电子贺卡 electronic card
电子眼/电眼 electronic eyes
电玩/电子游戏 electronic game/video game
网上投资者资源中心 Electronic Investor Resources Centre
电邮/电子邮件 electronic mail/E-mail
电子信箱 electronic mailbox
电子病历 electronic medical record
电子货币 electronic money/e-money
电子出版物 electronic publications
电子道路收费系统 Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) system
电子产品商店 electronic shops
静电除尘器 electrostatic precipitators
提升党的领导力 elevate the Party‘s ruling power
高架高速公路、高架公路 elevated expressways
埃里安 Elian Gonzalez
合资格选民 eligible voters
去痰 eliminate phlegm
名校 elite school
精英班 elite students‘ class